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    2018-08-30 LD #242, some nice vivid scenes, other dreams/fragments from the last couple nights

    by , 08-30-2018 at 01:41 PM (316 Views)
    + trying to find a private bathroom, for some "me time," my young kids are following me around like pranksters, not allowing me privacy. Find a bathroom in a bar/restaurant, work the sliding lock, but there are lots of openings in the walls about chest level, only partially closed. A group of people come and stand near me. A man comes too close for comfort and I rebuke him and reach out and push him away, saying he's too close

    + LD #242
    [Went to bed about 1am, late, very tired. Bathroom trip around 5-6am. Decided to do MILD getting back into bed (didn't stay up). Long time falling asleep.] Outside, in a large open multi-levelled area with people mulling about on the different levels, I sudden realized I'm dreaming.
    I do a quick nose pinch to verify with half a thought and yes I can breathe. I look around, I look at the people, feeling slightly unstable and wondering about the stability. I advance through the crowd, past various ladies, some of whom reach out to me, and find a nice girl. I ask her name, but I don't understand her response.
    Spoiler for sexy time:
    . The dream fades.

    + anemonies, almost lucid again, sitting, thinking of "me" time, I notice anemonies around me I'm trying to find a spot to sit without them, stand up move around behind stone I was sitting at to walk into corridor

    + outdoors, fight, gang following, pushing, dark

    + "ak mak" lodge, looking for place to stay, drive into parking lot, woman driving a small strange car with tank tracks instead of wheels with partial body damage around the parking lot ,I wonder if she knows her car is damaged. Walk inside to reception desk. Start taking to receptionist. Two men come up from my left, one of whom it turns out is Bill Murray, and he says to me (remarking on my hair), "Whoooaaa, buddy, getting pretty gray up there!" I give the swift rejoinder, "Look who's talking!!" (referring to his baldness), that shuts him up.

    + library study girl at reference desk. I know she's part of a study group club that frequents the library. She goes to the reference desk and requests a book of some sort.

    +(f) chess game viewing board

    + sitting at desk in room at college studying hard. I look up out the window and there is a college girl standing right at the window with a low-cut top leaning forwards showing off her features. I am very attracted to her but feel a bit shy for looking at her. I then give her a good, solid look . Then some super hot friends of hers who are entirely topless also come to the window and prance and show off.
    Spoiler for nudity comments:
    . Inside the room is now full of people standing behind me. There is a guy, large, fat, stubble haired, jolly guy with food crumbs all around his face making some comment.

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