2022-12-22 3 short scenes one vivid big DS car invasion changes to beige convertible
, 12-22-2022 at 05:16 AM (217 Views)
+ small girl and boy: outside in large open area, almost a white void, nothing really there, a few counters. Walking around with them. Tell the boy he's fat? (he's not), joking/chatting with them, I say "the shark is going to bite you on the <foreign word for butt>" the girl laughs
+ animated 3D graphics movie, photographer advertisement: I'm observing the 3d graphics characters as the filming is ongoing, I'm thinking it's not very high quality, or that it's not an interesting movie. Then I see a sign for a photographer advertising his services, it says something like: 7:00am - 7:19am, $789, I think wow that's expensive, but I also think in that time he could take hundreds (500 or more) pictures.
+ car (honda accord) occupied by gang, changes to old beige convertible with top down. I'm walking up to my car (white honda accord) on a city street, it's parked at a curb, there are lots of people around, I think what if there are people inside? I get there look and indeed there are black gang members in the car, a guy (with beard?) in the front passenger seat and a (goth?) girl the back seat right side. They're just chilling there. I yell at them s/l "GET THE F^&* OUTTA MY CAR!". They have no intention of moving. I stand up, in shock, wondering what I should do. Call 911? Would they even come to a report of "there are people in my car"? I'm in the city of PA, I could just call the regular cops? should I just get in and drive somewhere?
Then I look back at the car (at some point the girl who was large/fat was sitting on the roof?) and there is no roof. I say "what did you do to the roof?" but I recognize that the car is now a convertible and that the roof is just down and maybe they'll make fun of me and point that out. Then I see that the car is entirely different: it's a long, 1960's-70's entirely beige colored (paint and upholstery), large convertible wagon. "What happened to my car?" I think?