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    1. 2022-09-26 fair bit of dreaming, but recall slipped away

      by , 09-26-2022 at 08:55 AM
      Catching up on previous night's short sleep, just not enough energy to recall and record during the night.

      one scene clearly remembered:

      +[f] I'm telling my younger son (young in the dream) that he can go get his black/red rubber boots

      + [vague] some flying around an area outside

      + [vague] something happening in an indoor classroom
    2. 2022-09-25 vivid, long, lots of frisky time

      by , 09-25-2022 at 08:30 AM
      No supplements, to bed not too late (15 mins after preferred), big vivid waking around 5 hrs, that plus major life stress meant I didn't get back to sleep so I just got up about 1.5-2 hours early and lay on the couch with the dog waiting for it to get light outside.

      + I was simultaneously me and some other guy in bed with his/my wife, getting frisky, we're kissing, she falls out of bed and laughs about it, gets back up, then our daughter comes into room, we say we're just playing, she jumps into bed and says "I want to play, too!", I roll my eyes thinking no "fun" tonight

      + rotating the handle to close a 2-part skylight that was leaking in the rain; two dishwashers, they recommend to use the less-automated one with the round dish holder. The entire dish tray is circular like a large donut, it's a strange form factor. The more normal dishwasher had something wrong with it

      + a purple couple being frisky, I tell them about the birds and the bees, they say "well THAT would have been good to know earlier!" and pull out a string of their (purple) kids from underneath the bed, I get frisky with the woman, this goes on for quite a while, it's pretty good

      + frisky time [detect the theme for the night?] with another woman who's in a room with some other men, then we're sitting around in a group talking about how it went

      (MEO 2022-09-25)

      +[f] there is blood on a crane, and it has turned blue

      + strategizing about how to defeat an enemy using advanced technology in the form of a car, and the enemy comes and steals the car

      + a pile of small, odd, round-ish gray devices on a wall, they are computer chips embedded in some sort of solidified powder

      + former work place, meeting with people sitting around a large table, meeting head says something like "and what about status from A, B, <myname>," my [former] manager who is sitting with me away from the table says "oh, he [me] is off the project, now 'Dale' is handling that", I wonder about this 'Dale'. I think Dale is a woman, and probably of Indian decent, I wonder how talented she is (I assume pretty good to be working there)
    3. 2022-09-23 long sleep, few dreams

      by , 09-23-2022 at 09:38 AM
      Tried 400mg L-theanine and 1g L-tryptophan at bedtime.

      Was in bed from around 22:30 to 07:50, a record for recent months, almost 9 hours!
      I usually estimate about 30 minutes of time awake in the night, meaning about 8.3 hours sleeping.

      Interestingly, there was very little dreaming that I recall.

      + writing with a pen that changes colors as you write

      + talking with musicians, that I play <main instrument>, but used to play trombone in 4th grade, and I could even hit a high "G" note at that time, the trombonists responded and said that's pretty good

      + [vague] with people in rooms, like a hostel, something about beds, bed sizes, and bedspreads


      + taking pics, someone comes to and demands to see what I've taken
    4. 2022-09-22 short sleep, 3 short scenes

      by , 09-22-2022 at 08:11 AM
      Late to bed, unavoidable due to fun evening activities .
      the range of 06:00 - 06:30 is converging on being a natural wake time. Drowsiness is pretty much gone by then, and the mind kicks in. Works well if I can get to bed by 22:30

      + In a sort of hub area in the center of an area with a lot of rooms around the periphery. I'm reading an electronic sign to try to see which room our commando team needs to storm to get the bad guys. I'm having trouble reading the screen, something about "34?" Then I see a clear "20" and I should out "It's 20! Go! Go! Go!"

      + In a bar, sort of half outdoors, low-class, like build of barrels, dirty, there is a guy from T-5 (Mon. Sal) there. I/they say something?

      + walking in a cave, I come to a point where the path rises up, curves to the left, goes back down, then turns to the right around a corner. From the top of the rise I look down and see some equipment, it is either a sensor or an automated weapon turret or a combination of both, and I know these are from the enemy. I quickly draw back down around the corner so I'm not in line of sight of the turret. I ponder taking another peek around the corner at the thing again (maybe I do, quickly?)
    5. 2022-09-21 decent variety

      by , 09-21-2022 at 06:16 PM
      Variety pretty good across a number of different wakings
      Starting to scratch down quick notes in the dark before returning to sleep, even a word or two helps remember the dream (but not all the detail, alas)

      + Halloween decorations at my childhood home, including a "joke" bottle-through-the-window that I laughed at and asid "oh I get it", also there were a ton of large inflatable ghost balloons all over the place, I tried to move one from my room to my parent's room, but the entrance to their room was blocked by the things, so I put it in my sister's room, where my son was now staying, and I wondered what he thought of that.

      + beach map show where 's good to swim, [deceased] 1st wife shows where they were, I show where I was, where it's good to swim, and that I happened to go along that route searching for the place that she said was good

      + lion room the large male squeezes through to next room where our dog is, Lena goes there to save him, leaving me in the lion rom, I'm standing against the wall and hope they won't eat me

      + meat party, I smell the meat, I say "smells delicious", the womean like this their men usually don't giv ecomplements, slicing the eat, see the fat and lean, they show how to separate it, "if you eat this you'll never get hungry"

      + "get the (bike?) from the car" means from the way back under the floor board, some man smiles and shakes my hand?

      Ken (actor Seth Rogen) from Freaks & Geeks eats my little green habanero from my plant, I sday "uh, that's a habanero" then I see the plant see the peppers up close they're starting to shievl I don't know if that means if they're dying or getting ripe, notice that most of thesoil is out of the pot, need to add it back
      Then I see the ripe peppers and try them , brown chilinders, taste like chocolate, there are orange parts too, I run to other part of room to tell peopel that my peppers are raedy and taste like chocolate!

      In a room with some late teen boys, one is playing with lego, he is reluctant to go to school (universyity) because it means leaving home, I tell him "it's ok, it's only like 2 blocks away, and yo'll have fund there, learn neat things, and meet girls, and can always come back to see your lego

      final: group of kids loading up, the "cool" group wants to stay togethem

      you can't serve fresh halloween candy to kids these days, I tsk tsk and quietly think to myself, as the (mom?) shows a tray of fresh hallooween candy that she plans to serve to the kids
    6. 2022-09-21 halloween party, meat, lions, Seth Rogen eats my habanero, map

      by , 09-21-2022 at 05:18 AM
      experimenting with night-time blind keyword recording on paper, since voice recording is out of the question now (wife). Seems to help recall earlier dreams that have faded over subsequent wakings. Helps to keeps the idea of reaching for dream memories at the front of the mind during wakings

      beach map show where 's good to swim, Elina shows where they were, I show where I was, where it's good to swim, and that I happened to go along that route searching for the place that she said was good

      halloween party balloons in the room in CH my room, lots in dad's put some in Patti's which is Andrei's, the orange bottle through the window

      lion room the large male squeezes through to next room where our dog is, Lena goes there to save him, leaving me in the lion rom, I'm standing against the wall and hope they won't eat me

      meat party, I smell the meat, I say "smells delicious", the womean like this their men usually don't giv ecomplements, slicing the eat, see the fat and lean, they show how to separate it, "if you eat this you'll never get hungry"

      "get the (bike?) from the car" means from the way back under the floor board, some man smiles and shakes my hand?

      Ken from F&G eats my little green habanero from my plant, I sday "uh, that's a habanero" then I see the plant see the peppers up close they're starting to shievl I don't know if that means if they're dying or getting ripe, notice that most of thesoil is out of the pot, need to add it back

      Then I see the ripe peppers and try them , brown chilinders, taste like chocolate, there are orange parts too, I run to other part of room to tell peopel that my peppers are raedy and taste like chocolate!

      In a room with some late teen boys, one is playing with lego, he is reluctant to go to school (universyity) because it means leaving home, I tell him "it's ok, it's only like 2 blocks away, and yo'll have fund there, learn neat things, and meet girls, and can always come back to see your lego

      final: group of kids loading up, the "cool" group wants to stay togethem

      you can't serve fresh halloween candy to kids these days, I tsk tsk and quietly think to myself, as the (mom?) shows a tray of fresh hallooween candy that she plans to serve to the kids
    7. 2022-09-19 and 2022-09-20 uptick in recall

      by , 09-20-2022 at 07:59 PM

      + on an airplane, it's coming in for a "landing" via vertical nose dive straight to the runway with lots of banking; in ground transport with my group, I'm trying to count my luggage, my green backpack is missing

      + driving on a road, crazy drivers are always cutting me off , they're driving at odd angles, at some point I sort of chuckle "there goes another one!" [almost on the edge of the idea that this could be a dream?]

      + at a (youth?) hostel, the door is locked, and people both inside and outside are waiting for the manager to unlock it; inside, I go through reception, (I ask about my green backpack?)

      + See deceased dog, young, bright copper color, on a driveway outside in twilight, some patches of snow on the ground, wife mentions that I am on retreat; see my old car (toyota or ford) parked across the street

      + At home, there is a massive flood on my floor, the water runs out and down to lower levels, all the way to the neighbor's, they complain; I get furious [DS] at a young (renter?) and demand they leave; two other young guests perform a "poopy head" joke with poop in a box, I yell at them to leave

      + observe/playing a pool/billiards game



      + With deceased 1st wife, outside, I'm "skating" in my shoes on patches of ice on the pavement, back and forth; she gets out her skis and hops down onto the frozen river, it's doesn't look good to me, too wavy, and exposed water; some guys are tumbling around in a room

      + I'm high on a cliff/wall overlooking a large body of clear water (lake/ocean), I'm planning to jump down, I'm scanning for rocks/obstacles, and plan my jump to land in a sufficiently deep area; get out of the water, and (eating chips?)


      + Arrive in a cafe with lots of people, we're meeting a (realtor? finance advisor) there, a woman sitting on a couch, one of two, looks up to us, we greet; she advises that a particular piece of paper is all we need to establish ownership of our property, and "you can use it for escrow or future needs", I'm a bit surprised by this

      + Walking in the aisle between cubes at work [DREAMSIGN big time], in one cube a guy is working with multiple screens/computers, and I think that's because he's testing a lot of different graphics cards all at once

      + [f] twilight, something about a football game [DS]
    8. 2022-09-14 one short but clear segment

      by , 09-14-2022 at 06:09 AM
      +[f] something about women and documents at work?

      Final waking:

      + I'm on a high place outside in daytime, looking down upon a street that is lined with tall trees. There is a man there standing by the open trunk of his car and I know he is up to no good. I fly down parallel to the sidewalk away from him in order to circle around clockwise over the street and film him and catch his license plate. My [deceased] 1st wife is sitting in a car that I fly over, she either tells me not to interfere or I tell her. I'm hovering over the street about 20 feet in the air trying to get a clear shot of the man's license plate on my cell phone, which I'm using to video the scene. Trees are interfering with getting a clear shot as I fly past.

      Then (later?) I'm telling my sons to get into and start the engines on our several cars that are parked on the street in front of the "bad man." As we move from car to car, about the 3rd car, a man driving a beat-up white van backs from a driveway or side street onto the street just in front of our car, and I'm a bit annoyed about this.

      + [vague] something about me and my sons being in trouble?

      + [vague] something about my stocks going up?
    9. 2022-09-13 pretty good recall, sleep improving

      by , 09-13-2022 at 06:23 AM
      My book-directed ("End The Insomnia Struggle", excellent book, highly recommended) insomnia therapy is bearing fruit. I am more and more aware and familiar with my sleep/wake rhythms. My sleep drive is regularly very high in the evening now. In fact, if I'm doing something quiet, like sitting watching a video, it gets to the point where I start nodding off and can't keep my eyes open. I'm learning more about how much sleep I can reliably generate under what circumstances. The good news is that I typically have a very vivid, long period of dreaming within the sleep window of what I can typically generate (6.5 hours). The not-so-good news is that it's less than I'd like, for dreaming. But we work with what we have. I did sleep for a bit over 7 hours today (hard to tell light sleep from awake without a fitness tracker device), while being in bed for around 8.5.

      Decent quality of non-lucid recall.
      + overflow of water in the bathroom (went back to sleep late morning with a mild urge to pee)
      + sitting on a sidewalk on a city street with my back against a pole as people walk by, 3 girls come up to me and proposition me to spend the night with them.
      + in a buffet restaurant, where one self-cooks chunks of meat (ground and whole) in vats of boiling oil
      + walking around with a girl through city streets, with some friends as body guards in dicey-er parts of town, I get directions from them to where we're going and I don't understand them, we stop in an outdoor restaurant
      + situation with a chamber pot that I haven't emptied yet, smelly with the remains of the contents
      + walking around with a girl (romantic interest?) who's playing in a band; for band forms for rehearsal, I'm not sure if I should play or not, then I see that <my instrument> players do show up so I think I don't need to participate. Later, we're hanging out in a room and I take out her electronic bass and improvise my way through the bass solo in the opening to the intro music to the Barney Miller 1970's TV sitcom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roHYXrLhmHc. At one point this girl is walking through a room and she's naked from the waist down, her <ahem> at one point is clearly visible from behind, I notice other guys looking.