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    2023-07-09 clone of daniil dubov, twister room, tiny chairs, stone/car guy, parkour guy, pull car

    by , 07-09-2023 at 11:21 AM (135 Views)
    A number of different scenes across different wakings, not a great deal of detail, but it's a decent start to getting back into dreaming!

    + My son S1, his wife A, and I have control of a clone of Daniil Dubov, I thought it would be a great idea to get free chess lessons from it! My son dissuades me from the idea, and I reconsider, thinking "yeah, it could just kill me if it wanted to"

    + tubes in apartment, plumbing system, I'll do what I want with them, someone says it's not allowed, but I say I will do what I want, enter a room, see a small TV there displaying some show

    + A meeting of people in a room in a house/building. They are sitting around the periphery of the room and I'm walking around in the middle on the floor. The floor is a sort of a laminate mat (of a plastic material?) that was made to look like wood. I'm walking around on it and the floor is squeaking slightly. Someone says something like: it can be registered in that condition, it's not allowed. I say "ah, it's ok, look it's a great floor!" and keep walking around on it. I think/say that "this would be a great floor to play twister on!"

    + There is a group of people aboard a plane flying around, they're stranded there, I think we can free them by annexing them (plane/people?) into my current country. There is a piece of paper documenting the people as property of France. I think it would be funny to annex them away from France

    + Pushing a huge stone up a steep hill? Then later there is a scene where a guy lets a huge boulder and a car roll down from a hill on top of him and from underneath he manages to do a "bench press" of the massive boulder and car off of him, and they topple over and continue rolling on down across the road. I was wondering if he'd have the strength to get out from under those heavy things!

    + I'm with a group of (old) people in a large open room, there's a ceremony, perhaps it's a church. I look around and there is a row of tiny little chairs, like for a very small child, placed along a low table. I sit down in this chair, wondering if it will break, but it holds me. The old people say something to me.

    [wake, recall, write quite notes, long back to sleep, eventually fall asleep]

    + I'm pulling a car up a snowy hill. The snow is packed fairly tightly so is not so slippery. Then it's sort of a canoe and it tips over and things fall out. There are a lot of wrist watches there and I pick them up and continue forwards up the hill.

    + I observe from across a street a guy doing crazy manic parkour/jumping maneuvers in the street. There is a car zooming towards him, and he just barely manages to do a flip out of the street and on to the sidewalk as the car whizzes quickly by him, missing him by inches. The women in the car are laughing/giggling in amazement as they drive by.
    Meiseki, Lang and Harlequin like this.

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