* Includes 2024-07-12 #310, 311 DILDs (LD #15,16 reboot '24) [13, 18, 16 [2], 0, 5, 9, 1, 9, 1, 5, 8, 10, 9, 8[2] ] * Night-time, dark outside, Riding in car back right seat, the windshield frosted over I'm very nervous that driver can't see, (I do a nose pinch? Not clear result?). I'm trying to look through the windshield to see how the driver's driving. It seems he's driving on the left side of the street, and it seems he's driving really fast based on the conditions. I wonder if the frost/fog on the windshield will melt to give a better view. We arrive to a (checkpoint?) and I see a lot of large animals outside the right window, walking. Horses, zebras, etc. * LD #310. I'm walking around an indoor dark/twilight-lit [DS] area, enter a rest area to the right off of the main corridor with a lot of couches, I think I'll sit down, I turn around and look back towards the hallway, studying the people there. All the couches are occupied by identical older women with huge tall white hairdos, they're sleeping, and each is holding a child in their arms. The fact that they look identical is amusing/interesting to me, I want to call Lena to see this. I think this is the place that the babushkas come to rest while the mothers are doing something. I see there is nowhere to sit down, so I decide to leave, but now there are even more, younger teen girls, blocking the exit path[DS] that I entered on, I move to leave and perhaps having to climb slowly over them, but they get out of my way, and I leave the area back into the hallway. Suddenly I stop, suspect I'm dreaming, nose pinch, get lucid, feel joy, immediately turn and walk quickly the other way. I rub my hands vigorously as I walk, and I feel the dream move from a bit unstable into stable, I enter a huge, bright super-high-ceiling atrium/area. There are people walking and standing around. The walls are white(?) [DS]. To my left is a tall work table with computer monitors on it, and a middle-aged woman is just leaving the table, I go over to her, say "Hi, my name's <>, what's your name?" She answers "Carol". I think she's teaching something to students at this table. I ask "what are you teaching here" but she walks by without answering. I move forwards into the center of the room, walk up to someone [forgot], state my name, ask theirs, don't recall answer. I move to the right towards a wall and there is a holographic display, rectangular, set atop a pedestal a few feet away from the wall, the screen is about 4 feet off the ground, translucent, showing some image, I stick my arm through the screen and feel a sort of electric current in my arm, laugh, and keep on walking. I come across a really tall big man [DS], and ask him to give me his light saber. He just walks by. I turn towards the wall and there is an opening, a corridor leading to a (loading dock?) in the distance, and call out to the guys there, "Hey, give me a light saber!" When I speak I hear that there is an echo in the area and think that it's cool that dreams can recreate that as well. I smack my hand on the wall of the corridor a few times to listen to the echo, as I'm doing this, I see a large troupe of people enter into view perpendicular to the hallway, moving from my right to my left, as if there is a perpendicular hallway there, and I notice that they all (10-20 or more of them, walking quickly) dressed entirely, head to foot, in bright white clothing (shirts, pants, shoes, hats, all white). I have a tug of interest in following them but don't. I turn around and I'm at a place where there's a rectangular monolith in the large area, and I see that people are jumping and flying from my area up to the 2nd floor. I want to do this, too. But I feel like someone has latched on to me on my left side, I push/shove that person away, then I bend my legs and jump up to fly, I float easily high up almost to the ceiling, above the level of the 2nd floor balcony, and think that this is an area of anti-gravity. I land on the 2nd floor balcony and sit at a table that's outside of a food stand/burger joint. I'm sitting across from a picnic table [DS] from Andy [colleague from company 3] and say "Hi, Andy, welcome to my lucid dream!" He answers something [forgot]. I'm eating something like a hot dog, and I'm telling the guy across from me at the table (now an unknown Indian guy) "nobody will give me their light saber!". He says "you need to call (the support hotline at) 10354", I repeat the digits to make sure I understand them, he confirms, and then a girl arrives with a 4-foot long burrito/gyros/food thing, it looks really good, but I have a feeling it's not quite what I wanted. The thing that I'm trying to eat, a hot dog, is as tough as leather, I can barely chew it, I can't tear off a new piece, I have to reach up and grab the hot dog with one hand and pull it out of my mouth to cut off a piece to eat, fade to awake. * Smashing dishes in kitchen. I'm in an industrial kitchen like in a large restaurant. I have the urge to pick up piles of plates and smash them, I pick them up and throw them against the wall and they shatter with an incredibly satisfying sound, and pieces fall to the floor. I turn around and there is a small larder behind me, open (no door), and I pick up another pile of plates and throw it strongly into this area, there is more smashing/breaking sounds, and I watch in satisfaction as other things, like a smoke stack, in the corner of the larder, slowly topple over and also fall to the floor with a crashing sound. * LD #311 Glove guys squeeze door pizza spaghetti Suzanne closet. I'm examining a computer board, there are 3 (middle eastern?) guys standing around me, it's their board, there is a built-in keyboard, and a number of components, I'm looking at and the guys are explaining the components, the one on the far left-hand side of the board, the owner explains is something like a geiger-counter. Then we're sliding on a smooth concrete path with slightly raised edges like on a slide, with a rounded lip, the path goes through several curves and ends up in a room like a large kitchen, we stand up and high-five each other. I was sitting on the computer board while sliding, I wonder if this might damage it. Inside this kitchen I see some pizza (combo like RT KAS) that I have brought. The guy offers his, and I take a look at it, it is in a bag, and I think it's not as good as mine but I see it does have some interesting meats, like sausage, and probably would be good. * I'm standing in a room with the board/sliding guy. He mentions that there are some guys in a glove/bag that want something. I see a bag by the wall with something light shining out from it, I go over and look inside, it's like a stairway or tunnel inside, and at the bottom of the glove/bag there is a very bright light, I can't fit though, but I put my face into the top of the bag and look down, and it's like a small bright screen is in the bag on the bottom, but it's not a screen, but a "real" scene. There are about 3 guys in there, sort of like gang thugs, and they want something from me. I feel like I don't have the time or inclination to deal with them, so I tell them I have to go do something. I stand up and turn around towards the guy, while still viewing the scene in the bottom of the glove, fascinated, and say "hey, do you know you have little guys living in this bag?". He answers: "Yeah, and I have some others in my baseball catcher's mitt". I visualize a catcher's mitt then, and think that would be easier to communicate with them than the bag because the mitt is more open. Then the craziness of the situation hits me, I think I'm probably dreaming, and a nose pinch confirms I'm dreaming. Woohoo, a second lucid dream in one night! I'm facing a door to the kitchen we ended up in earlier after sliding, and I move through this door. I know there is a small access door on the bottom (like a doggy door) but it's too small for me, but I imagine that I go through it and fit anyway, and make it into the kitchen. I'm with Suzanne B. I want to eat my pizza, I think of having a slice, but I know that SB has prepared spaghetti for us, and she's leading us to a table, there is a round plate on it and I see some red sauce. I'm wearing a heavy coat and SB asks if I want to take it off, I say yes, she leads us to the first room and to a coat closet, I imagine it's a regular closet in an entryway, I take off the jacket (it's very fluffy like a down parka), and hand it to her. Then I notice that the closet is a door built in to the wall, low, and very narrow. The door is blocked by a small table (with a lamp on it)? As I'm looking at and thinking about this closet, I wake up.