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    Turquoise Dreams


    , 02-14-2013 at 10:01 PM (321 Views)
    2/13/13 bed 12am-8am

    Not a very good recall. Didn't drink water to wake me up as I used to do. house in a canyon, I'm moving, or coming. Sucks.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Hey, we all have those nights where recall just doesn't happen like it should. I still get nights that are complete zeroes sometimes.

      I've heard you mention your water approach before. I went through a phase where I experimented with drinking a lot of "pee water" but wound up stopping for some reason. What was the reason? Ah yes, I remember. I am very lazy. How could I forget?

      Do you drink more water each time that you get up? Are we talking huge glasses each time? I was just curious how your general schedule breaks down with this. I found it hard to get things perfect, myself. When I overdid it, I'd wake up after like 2 hours having to pee like a race horse, which was way too soon to do much good. And when I underdid it, I'd wake up to my alarm with no dream recall and an alarmingly full bladder.
      Xanous and gab like this.
    2. gab's Avatar
      No, not huge amounts. Ok, just went to kitchen and measured - about 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup. For me, it works like a charm. I have a nightlight and paper and pen on batroom sink and while I sit I write my dream, or at least as many key points as I can.

      So when it wakes me up, I have another drink, same amount, eventhough I'm not thursty. I take it as medicine, something that helps me. Hrm, maybe that's helping me with recall too.

      Example: bed at 11:30pm
      first wake up - 3:09
      second - 4:07
      third - 6:40
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Cool, thanks Gab! I will have to do another experiment on the whole pee water thing. It really did seem to help with recall, although I had trouble figuring out the right amount. Your way (drinking a bit more water upon each waking) sounds like a good way to yield a few more light wakings for better dream recall.

      I've been consistently seeing this theme from excellent dream recallers -- they wake up a lot (perhaps unconsciously) and always take the time to mentally review their most recent dreams. This looks like a good method for folks that don't do this naturally. (Me. )