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    Turquoise Dreams

    Lucid, transitions

    , 02-19-2017 at 05:11 AM (453 Views)
    Last night – bed around 8pm.

    2:18 – 2x300 GPC, back to bed
    3:30 – up for WBTB

    3:58 – 2x4 GM and sofa

    DREAMS before 2:18
    DREAM 1
    There is a flood. Whole area is covered with deep, almost white water. Only tops of trees are sticking out. I see some monkeys trying to hold on. For some reason I need to get to the other side. I am on a small sandbar that’s not even visible, but I’m standing on it. I want to start swimming across but the waves are getting bigger and bigger, about 5 feet above my head. I turn back but the waves are carrying me. Somehow I made it back and now there are 2 upturned boats caught on the sandbar. I turn over the smaller one, a canoe and I’m glad that the oar is there. I get in and start to paddle. A really huge, tsunami like wave is cresting over so I grab the boat and dive under the wave, kicking furiously to make it back to the surface.

    DREAM 2
    I’m visiting someone in the suburbs. Single story houses, all similar. Nice working class neighborhood. Their neighbor is a guy from my store, T, who we don’t get along. But I don’t care. We go out to some school fundraising action. They are serving us food at the table. First course is a meatball with something. I taste it but leave the rest on the plate. A russian waitress yell at me why I started if I didn’t finish it, someone else could have had it. I’m telling others that I had meatballs with more onions and I liked them a bit, with less onions and I liked them more, but these, I didnt like. We all agreed there was something powdery or dry in them that was bad.

    AFTER 2:18
    Visiting another people, this time from WL. Guy is telling me his plan – going to Pittsburgh. I ask: “a game”? He says no, Target. He calls it that, because of poor neighborhood. Mentions german store and I go off on history of our beer and how it was good then but now its really good.

    SOFA 3:58

    I’m in a middle of transitioning when my cat jumps on me. Then jumps off again when I get to transition again. I hear the 5am chime. Wake up from below experience at 5:28am

    I start seeing a TV screen. Black and white female face with big lips, moving. I kiss it and it kisses me back when I will it to do so.

    I stand up and walk out to the balcony. I think “oh wow, this is my childhood home, my room’s balcony.” There are wires for drying laundry and for a second I stop to ponder if I should jump over or go under. I go under and climb up on the rail. I squat down. I take a moment to realize, that I’m feeling and seeing everything in great detail. I have only a T-shirt on and I feel my hair blow in the breeze. I feel so free and happy.
    I gently jump down. Incredible roller coaster feeling in my stomach makes me giddy and even more happy. Gosh, I missed this so much. I’m starting to think that I will hit the ground, but I slowly take flight. I notice with amusement that I’m again in my flying lazy boy position. As if sitting on the lazy boy, legs in front of me, slightly bent, flying feet first. I’m so happy. I think go higher and I do. I think go over the roof, and I do. I see a beautiful, clear moon in the distance with 3 stars near it. For a second I debate if I should go there today, but I decide not to.

    Cat got me out of this LD.

    I’m back on the sofa. I get this sensation of extreme acceleration. My head is buzzing like crazy and it’s so intense, I’m starting to worry a bit. I don’t know how to enter a LD from this type of transition. I tilt my head down, pushing it to the pillow so I change direction of flying. It’s so intense, twice I tell myself “I’m not scared”. After second transition, I see a nose illuminated, but nothing else. I will it to become brighter, but it doesn’t work. Another transition, and this one is the most intense. I try to think to get my dream body out of my via my head into OBE or AP.

    5 am clock chime.

    I’m laying on the floor in a large room. Like a school gymnasium. My cat is sitting on me. I don’t know what to do. I notice slight movement when I breath, so I try to amplify it. Now I’m moving couple feet to the front and back with each inhale and exhale. It’s an amazing feeling.

    I realize I could probably stand up. I do it and I walk outside. I see a grapefruit tree. No, it’s a pomelo, I correct myself. I want to pick one of the huge, green fruits, but the branches are too soft and delicate and I don’t want to break them. I touch them and the trunk of the tree and it’s very sponge like.

    I keep walking and come to a ridge. Moon is high up and it’s quite bright. Below me is a witch all in black, returning to her hut. I’m not scared, but I want to change her anyway. I keep saying “good princess, good princess”. But she is not changing.
    Got up at 5:28 to write this up, then went back to sleep some more.

    I’m being chased. Lots of streets, warehouses, buildings, rooms. Windows are boarded up. I start to tear it down, finding a hole and getting out. Guards are patrolling outside.

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