Meteor, Canada, Militia, Budapest
, 02-14-2017 at 01:12 PM (436 Views)
Bed 8:45 pm
DREAM 1 10 pm
I'm looking at the skies with some others, trying to see the meteorites someone mentioned. First there are only stars, but then we see a meteorite and it's flying at us. It zooms over our heads, we quickly turn around and see it fall near by, making a big fireball on impact. I ran there to collect some meteorites. We were in US, but meteor fell in Canada.
But I start to see more fires in the neighborhood. I stop in front of a house that has corner of the yard and the front lawn on fire because of broken gas pipes. I start yelling fireeee in my native language. Then I realize we are in Canada, so I start yelling in english.
Little later after the event, people start lining up and joining militia. There are several groups and none have good weapons. And when I got back home, I had a new cat that was abandoned in Canada and it looks exactly the same as one I have now. They were twins.
DREAM 2 at 3 am
I'm buying a ticket for a train going to Budapest. I notice one of the T's advisors has a ticket to same booth as I do. When I board, I get to my compartment and there is a suitcase and clothes all over the place. I put my stuff neatly on one seat/sofa. I notice the cables to the internet and other media are brand new and tools and pieces of cables are all over.
In another part of a train, I have a seat number 4, but there is no TV in front of it, so I sit/lay in another seat. Some of my former classmates are there too. We are talking about how long this train ride is, why do we get to Budapest at 11 pm.
In another compartment, we put down pillows and blankets in front of our numbers to prepare for bed.
I was just watching TV and a car with bicycle attached to the back of it came on. That reminded me of this dream from last night:
I'm riding my bike up the long hill, from the old theater to the city square where buses used to be. I look back and a guy is running up the hill. I think maybe he is running after me and I better keep an eye on him. As I think that, it really looks like he is running after me and when we reach the top, he is almost at my bike. I turn around with the bike and I wonder how come, since the momentum is taking me forward but now the bike is sideways and even backwards, how is it gonna hurt when I fall down. I yell at him to scare him away and at the same time I am whooshed in the air, spinning and turning still on the bike. Weird sensation of motion and not understanding how is it possible. Feels like transition motion, but I don't know it during the dream.