Big Skeletal Creature (First LD in a long time)
, 07-03-2017 at 04:20 AM (544 Views)
I didn't journal on here yesterday because it wasn't interesting enough to report (still wrote it down in my paper journal, though!). Last night, however, was very interesting.
I'm walking down the hall of a large mansion (you know, the stereotypical haunted house kind of place) with a rather large group of people. On one side of me is a woman with fiery red hair swept up in a messy bun, and on the other side is Owl. Something doesn't seem right about this, and I start questioning my reality, trying to remember how I had gotten here.
I need no reality check this time, as I suddenly remember the last thing I had done is gone to bed. This has to be a dream!
The lucidity is really strong. I laugh softly to myself, touching the wall, my clothes, everything, marveling at how real everything feels. I stay calm, repeating "this is a dream" in my mind, trying to stay conscious. I look over to Owl, and half-hoping she's real, I whisper to her, "Do you know you're dreaming?" She doesn't respond, looking straight ahead as she walks. Definitely not Owl.
It's much harder than I expect to stay conscious. I feel really tired, and want to go back to "sleep", but my resolve is fairly strong. Because of this tiredness, however, I feel as if I have no energy to try and go anywhere else. I decide to stay in this dream and see how it plays out, because I'm very curious.
The group ends up in this big room. A voice booms out from above. I no longer remember the exact words, but the voice says we have all been selected to perform a task. Once our task has been explained, all of us are transported to our respective locations. I think I lose lucidity for a while, because I don't remember the task (I do become aware again after this).
I'm on a beautiful terrain of flatland grass, the occasional tree. The sky is bright and blue, but no sign of a sun or any light source. I travel this way for a while, all alone, in wonder at the lovely sights, shouting "clarity" whenever my vision starts to fade (I have problems with going blind in lucid dreams). Eventually I become bored with traveling and summon a video-game style map to go somewhere else. The only location on the map is a fortress, so I tap on the image and go there (This is how I move around, usually. My gamer brain understands a digital interface best).
The fortress is huge, meant for someone much larger than I, but also run down, crumbling. I decide to explore the outside first before going inside. Then, suddenly...
I turn at the sound of my name. A man is running toward me with a smile on his face -- it's Denarius!
[ Denarius is the name of a dc I've seen in many dreams.]
I haven't seen Denarius ever in forvever so I'm surprised, but not so happy, to see him. He did leave me when I asked for him, so I did not forget that. It's nice to see a familiar face, all the same.
First thing he says after this is "So you're stuck here too? I got bored with my task but couldn't leave this place, so I decided to search for familiar faces. I'm happy to see you!"
He babbles on and on, but then I say, "You LEFT me."
That shuts him up quickly. His gaze drops to the ground. "We shouldn't talk about that here."
I continue to question him about our last meeting, and how he brushed me off so easily, and how I haven't heard from him in months, but he keeps evading my probing, as if he's afraid. Keeps saying he can't talk about it. I give up on getting any information from him and idly chat.
I enter the fortress. The layout is insane, very hard to navigate, but I manage. At this point, I lose lucidity, so I barely remember it, but there are many people in this fortress, it's no where near abandoned. Some things happen but it's all so blurry. Denarius leaves at some point, distinctly saying we'll see each other soon.
I become frustrated at not being able to complete my task. Somehow, this frustration makes my brain click together again; oh yeah, I'm dreaming! I recall I'm supposed to be performing a task here, but what? What was it? I exit the fortress, annoyed.
I have the sudden realization that I'm probably oversleeping right now. This dream has gone on a long time, something isn't right. I try to wake myself up, but I'm scoffed at from a voice from above. That's when a huge creature crashes out of the fortress: twice my size, humanoid but so animal at the same time, with huge armor and angry orange eyes. It has its eyes trained on me.
Oh, no. I have no idea what to do, how to fight something so monstrous. The creature is chasing me around, and I'm running as fast as I can. It ends up catching me, starting to strangle me, but I can breathe just fine. I once again remember this is a dream, and my options for ending this creature are endless.
I struggle out of its grasp and intuitively focus all of my energy into my hands. My hands start to glow and grow warm. I channel all this energy between my two palms, making a huge ball of heat. I release the energy, the ball catches fire and hurls at the creature.
The fireball makes contact with the creature. Instead of it catching immediately disintegrates into black ash. I realize my task has been completed, and I wake up.
And just as I thought, I overslept. It was 1pm when I finally awakened.