June 18, 2020 Non-lucid and random semi-lucid
, 06-19-2020 at 04:37 AM (387 Views)
A semi-lucid I had the other night, I was on a street close to the clubhouse in my childhood neighborhood, there was a dialogue going on but I interjected and said "this is a dream" and then the dream exploded into vividness, I started to try to stabilize the dream, I rubbed my hands together, I said "three plus three is..." and there was a slight pause in the dream then I said "six", I looked forwards and feared that the dream was going to wobble and collapse but I did something I don't normally do and I spun around to stabilize the dream, I remember vividly trying to stay conscious to keep the lucid dream alive, earlier in the dream I had become vivid and feared I was going to become too excited to pop the dream but it didn't end at that point.
I was outside with my mom, the dream scene was on a slope against a coast. My mom and I were picking in the grass, there had been some sort of item that had exposed a group of drugs and my mom was on the case, I was acting innocent like I'd never seen it, I threw the object onto the ground and my mom went on to the ground to see it, we were both now on the ground looking at what was originally a small object of drugs turned into a row of acid and molly, while I'm looking at this on the ground with my mom I see a girl from my high school Ol in a lawn chair against the house shuffling back and forth, she eventually gets up, she turns into my older sister, my view turns towards the ocean, I'm wearing a cape, the wind catches my cape and I'm flying down the slope towards the ocean, I think I may land hard but I fly upwards before landing harshly and I land in the ocean beyond the markers, and now I'm swimming towards the shore towards other people who are within the markers.