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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    March 26, 2018 False Awakenings

    by , 03-26-2018 at 06:14 AM (385 Views)
    This morning I was sleeping on a friend's couch and had to get up at 9am for my father's birthday breakfast. I didn't want to miss the alarm and this was stressing me out, which ended up causing several false awakenings.

    The first false awakening I wake up and check my phone to see it's 1pm. I freak out and run to the shower.

    The second false awakening I wake up around 10:00am and freak out again.

    The third false awakening I wake up and a similar thing happens and I'm complaining to moo and kolby that my phone must be broken.

    The fourth false awakening I wake up on the other side of the couch looking at my friend jp. At the exact same time we go "I just had four false awakenings." Moo is to the left of me and tells us to repeat it again, which we do. Then we all freak out. I know I had only had three before this so this didn't really add up.

    The fifth false awakening I'm lying back on the couch on the normal side thinking this is a dream. The room is dimly lit in a purple color. I can see jp looking at me from the other side of the couch. Looking at the tv, I see a little girl. Her face starts to turn into something like the exorcist. I can hear myself making noises like "aaaah" but I'm not scared at all. Her and jp start to walk towards me. She changes into some sort of clown and I make more scared noises not feeling scared, I can hear jp saying "dude you're so weird." Then the clown morphs into a woman with dark hair dressed in a red dress. I make some sort of noise like I'm attracted to her, then she turns into a man and I make a noise that I'm freaked out. Jp again says that I'm weird.

    They get right to my face and I get up, this exploding into a very strange turn of events. The room is turned into some sort of event. I'm watching a commercial of some sort of these weird people, they were changing very rapidly, at some point it's a woman in a black outfit with a black mask and some other things as well. The background was constantly changing, the one I remember now is a hotel room background. The backgrounds looked like green screen effects and the people in front of the backgrounds stood out from them. It was some sort of chant and at the bottom of my vision I can see subtitles in an orange or red font. There's a little thing bouncing from each word as these people are saying the words.

    The words are "what the hell is that, what the hell is that" and I thought I might've seen "LOL" to the left and right of that line too. That line kept getting repeated. I keep saying out loud "what the hell is that, what the hell is that" as these backgrounds are changing and people are morphing. The people were indian women dressed in gowns dancing around at some point.

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