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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    May 19, 2020 Non-lucid

    by , 05-19-2020 at 02:41 PM (322 Views)
    The dream scene was laid out similar to the bridge over 81 at JMU at first, I was riding in a car over the bridge. I looked out the window to my right to see another car that I thought Liz was in with two other girls, my car kept driving and the scene looked more like downtown Richmond. My car loops around some buildings and drives on back streets until it pulls into a parking lot restricted for residents or people with passes except there are blocked off spots lined in yellow, I pull my car into the spot which stays level while the other sides slope down a level. I get out of my car and head towards a building. In front of me I see Liz's car drive by, it looks like a black range rover, I can see she notices me and sort of points me out. They exit the car, a co-worker of mine Chase walks up from the parking lot, the situation is awkward because I'm trying to talk to Liz but Chase is expecting me to introduce them and we're all shuffling awkwardly in the street, they sort of wave to each other and then I'm now talking to Liz. Her hair is dark brown and reminds me of her friend's hair color. There was this feeling that we hadn't seen each other in a long time. The conversation is about how she's trying to forgive her ex but they're still talking. I'm slowly walking towards the building and she's behind me... she hugs me around my neck and presses against me while talking. She was also patting my butt in a joking manner as well while walking behind me. And then I woke up.

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