October 11 2016 Dreams
, 10-12-2016 at 09:50 AM (412 Views)
It's been a while since I've said anything. I think maybe I'm afraid of going back to lucid.
I'm in a bed which I think is in Aspen in an open room. There's an opening with a balcony on the left. I can hear someone who I think is having sex through the wall. They end up finishing up and on the right is another open walkway where I see Grayson and a random girl. She leaves and then he brags about getting oral or something.
Separate dream I'm on the beach with some of my pledge brothers and I think it's stations night. There's snakes going in the ocean and out and going along the beach. I'm frantically running around trying to dodge them. In my mind it's a competition to see who can last the longest. It's not just us avoiding them but also eating them in waves. I'm throwing them up at a disgusting rate, the ocean is an ornagish tan from all the throwup. Eventually someone tells me to quit and I do.
My vision goes to gravel road w/ fields on the left and right at about dusk. It leads into a house where I see Hayden. We're in this room with too much stacked furniture and a blackboard on the other side. He doesn't notice I'm there. He's rehearsing speech for stations with writing on the board. He's going to let them decide and at some point he writes "worst" in blood.
Possibly connected. I'm watching this scene of Sam and some really attarctive burnette who I assume is a girlfriend. They're no the ground him on top of her. She takes her lingerie to bare chest and he starts kissing her breasts. Randomly, they get into an argument and it turns out they were on the phone the whole time having phone sex. They hang up. I'm on the phone with him now as he sits in his chair and I'm laying on the ground in front but I'm unseeable. I ask him what's on his boxer briefs which looked like 2 red pills. He tells me they were lube and then made a gesture rubbing his crotch.
I'm in a futuristic and dark city which I think is Harrisonburg with tall skyscrapers. I'm going back to my room or something for a pregame. I go up spiral stairs and in this small circle room is a path with blue lights that go right. There's 2 girls dressed in white tennis uniforms saying that tennis has a party tonight. I say that's cool and then tell them our party's at bung which I say is far and they laugh as another girl walks in on the right. I go left to a room which is circular with a tall ceiling and more orange and blue lights. In the middle is a tall smooth oval table. Around it are people I don't remember and shot glasses. I look right and ask to everyone "is Syndra coming tonight"? I was talking about this asian girl to the right of me who has ruffled hair and giggling at me. she takes a shot of some random pink alcohol that has sprinkles on it. I remember thinking she didn't speak any English at all.