Iron man gets fed up with me
, 03-24-2019 at 04:26 AM (512 Views)
I start off in this dream doing random things. I'm at what feels like Raymond and I'm doing someones hair,brushing their dark hair and rubbing the strands in the direction I brush.
Then I'm outside in an unfamiliar place. There are trailers around and we are in the woods. I do "something" and Ironman was there and I didn't know it. he flew down to me, pointing at me about what ever it is I did and says not to to that again. I avoid him and start walking away from him without looking where I was going. I tripped over a rock, flipping it.
I stooped down to flip it back over and I see ants start to pour out of a small crack in the center of the rock. Ironman scuffs and says "Now look what you'ev done." I look at him and see that he was all armored up and said "No thanks to you!" I walk away again and he follows me. I pick something up and threw it at him, hitting him in the helmet and then took off towards the house I was at earlier.
Iron man lists his arm and started pressing buttons on it. I stopped to see what he was doing. Another suit flies next to him that was empty and thats when I realized what was about to happen. "Encapsulate her." He commended as I yelled at him "what the heck-" I felt the armor slap on to my leg I bent to to try and pull it off but then felt it slap onto my arm and began to pull me towards the rest of the suit that was open. I struggled as I ran from it and ended up in a strange HI
I'm in the midst of confronting Tony but almost forget that their are pieces of armor on me and if the helmet gets on my head it'd be all over, plus I didn't want to be trapped inside of armor that can self destruct with you inside of it. I looked around so some kind of way to escape. In the ground there is a puddle with smelly green vapor coming from it. I run over to it and jump inside and realized that it is liquid poo.
I didn't care the armor got off of me right before I plowed into it and I saw Tony grimace "ew" I laugh at him. "sucker!" I knew I was in a dream and I closed my eyes and ducked down in the poo and gave a middle finger as I slowly sunk down.
Right before my hand went under I feel the armor grabs it and pulls me up out of the poo. I was covered head to toe and yucky poo and thought the he was gonna trap me inside armor, poo and all. But it flew me over to a pool that was next door and threw me into it.
The armor dipped me in and out and then the other parts started wash me in the water, scrubbing my head and back and once all of the poo was off, took me out of the water, sprayed me with something that smelled good and then the helmet slams on to my face.
I tried to get it off but I was not able to see and felt the rest of the armor cover my body. It shows me at the pool, struggling to get the armor off. Then I was able to see through the computer optics. I saw the house of the yard and people was coming out to see what was going on in the back yard.