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    My Robotic imagination

    This is a very long, detailed and strange dream

    by , 01-30-2020 at 11:37 PM (306 Views)
    This dream started with me being with my dad. It looks like we were over Dickie's house and was in the living room where a light illuminated from a small, shaded lamp that sat next to the doorway. My dad had just made it home from work and looked to be exhausted and worn out. He came over to me and asked if I would like to make a bit of money with him and help him out in some of his shifts and I agreed to it and I ended up taking over his job not knowing about the consequences. "Sure. I'll do it."

    So some time had past of me being in a strange room, singing to robots who I think were Optimus prime and Megazord. I heard music playing from my room but it was not the kind I Usually listened to, it was a weird fuzzy, buzzy vibe to it, as though the sound was trying to be there but really wasn't.

    So I make it to the workplace and it was mostly dark and hard to see there. A woman was there, dressed in dark colored pants and a light colored Hawaiian shirt. She stepped on to a platform that had thing with fruits and food in it then she pressed a button, where it took her up into some dark rafters. I needed to go up there as well but didn't feel safe in doing so. I had to step on one of those things that the electric utility man uses to cut power or fix something in the power lines. I didn't understand why I needed to go up there but I did anyhow. I was way up and had to unload. After that I felt a bit afraid at having to be this high up just to wash some food products so I got back on to the platform and descended back down to safety. But unfortunately I ended up leaving something important and had to go back to the top floor. I get on an elevator along with two other female DCs and we talked to each other about something as we rode to the top floor. As soon as we stepped off of the elevator it collapsed and fell. I looked through the opened doors, almost falling through as the elevator crashed below. This is just too dangerous for me, how can my dad handle something like this everyday? I have had enough of this, rather this job is done or not I' am out of here. I left and was back at home, doing random things.

    I was looking at a globe and saw frozen continents shifting around in small tiny pieces. The pieces broke up even more when they collided to each other, floating around in the water and forming a new shape. The ice was needed for this event to happen. I looked at a calendar and it was I think Friday. Work would not began again until Monday so I had a few days to rest and not worry about not showing up to the dangerous workplace. Sometime had passed and I get shifted into a room. This room had a childhood feel to it and in it found some nilla colored folders, laying on top of something that was in front of a window that had lacy curtains. I was glad to have found these and went over to them. there was a second folder that was supposed to have my name on it, but it was some kiddy, scribbled up text that looked to be in illegible writing. I opened one of the folders and saw some of my very old drawings of Sebulba and stories. I wanted to look into more of this, but ended up waking up.

    After waking for a few minutes I managed to get back into the dream. I'm in the process of reading a Sebulba story and as I do that, the characters appear. I seen the Dug on all fours, crawling out of some dark corner as he was doing it in the story. I looked up and seen him walking towards me on his toes, cocking his head to look up at me who stared down at him. He stood up on his hind legs and placed a skinny, wrinkly hand up on my shoulder. I dropped the folder along with all of its contents and ran out of that room. Sebulba followed me, hissing and sputting something out to me in his language.

    I ran out of the dark, junky room and I ended up outside. It was an over cast day and there was a dirt road in front of me lined with trees and houses. A large dark but colorful beast came up behind me and with its long, sticky tongue; licked me from behind on my face. I turned around only to see that it was the Dug, standing up on his hand-legs and had his leg-arms hooked around my neck. I pushed him away in disgust and ran into some house and up some stairs.

    He followed me and was now in another junky room that had stuff all over the floor, toys, clothes, bedding all covered the floor completely. There were some curtains up against the wall and I tried to hide behind it, but I was standing on top of a ball that was causing me to move around to keep from falling. The Dug comes in just as I found a new spot and gets on all fours again. He skittered around on the junky floor, going under things, climbing up walls and jumping up on top of stuff to see if I were there. I lay hidden until a pile of clothes lifted from my view and a Dugs head pops into it. "Found you!" He reached in with his strange mandibles and I got out of there before he can grab me with them. He was at the base of the steps, blocking them.

    I had a few tricks and I pretended like I was gonna charge him but instead I jumped under the banister, between support beam and to the steps behind the Dug. He cocked his head only to see me escape. He was not happy. "You apologize!" I didn't and left. He remained in the room till for some reason decided to say sorry. He smiles and comes up the steps.

    As he was doing that I seen another Dug. He was a much bigger Dug then Sebulba and it showed him locked up in some cage. He was standing up on his hind legs but his hands were outstretched in front of him one lower then the other one, exposing his nude body with a small hole where his belly button was at. I felt another slimy lick to the side of my face and this time I coughed in disgust. I'm gonna need to wash my face to get this filth off of it.

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    Updated 01-31-2020 at 05:23 AM by 13650

