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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. THE CAR STOP MAFIA!! "Motocycle gang"

      by , 08-13-2024 at 02:39 PM

      Woke up to the sun. So bright. (writes dreams) Honestly I should just get up. Or…

      On the side of a road, On top of a hill was a place full of stores and services. Usually I would just stop to get something to eat or for my dad to pick up some gas for the trip. But after coming twice it got apparent that I was a more regular visitor than anyone else. As it happened that my dad would be doing something and I would have to stay and wait for hours. I had some time to kill talking to people my age. As I ganged their trust (GET IT LOL HAHAHAH pls laugh) they told me that they run sort of a “little” gang here and that they run all of the stores. I said that's pretty cool and after a while of wandering around and doing different things. Eventually I joined the “motorcycle gang”. Which was what everyone's little nickname was for it. I surprisingly wasn't expected to stay or to come often but when I do eventually come often I would have access to all the lounges and stuff. I made some friends and they wanted to go get lunch at a supermarket. I came with them. We found a spot with Chinese food and different types of chicken. As I ordered my food I realized it was gone. So I went back to go get something else. At the time the kids were waiting for me. Another line started to grow so in a bit of a panic I got some chicken legs because they happened to be way cheaper. As I continued in the line one of the people behind the counter asked if I joined yet. (Let's call him bill. I was already talking to him before lunch) I said yes so for confirmation he went to one of the people I was with and they said yea. As I continued up I realized that they never gave me an ID card to order. Bill started to speak to the guy running the supermarket. (Lets name him Joey) “Yo Joey wanna watch what happens if you don't have your ID card?” Joey, already knowing what was about to happen declined, lacking interest. Bill pulled out a knife from his side pocket and went to attack him. I grabbed his arms and tackled him. Throwing the knife out of the way. A narrator said that in his mind he thought I would’ve been a good leader. I ran through the store, chicken legs in hand looking for more food I could grab. After about to grab a pastry I saw Joey running closer to me so I ran out the door. I looked for a car I could drive and after I saw a lady getting out of the car to set it up for a refuel I sprinted in the car and got it out of park. I drove right to the entrance of the plaza and luckily there were no cars. As I drove on the highway and onto an exit. The road started to be filled with houses. It was a mixture of country, suburban and ghetto. Gained lucidity, As I got to a part where the road was grass I slowed down and I saw that the side of the road was covered with extended houses. As I drifted past many I messed up and hit the structure of the house. Luckily it was still connected to the ground so it didn't collapse. Shortly after I ran into a tree. Realizing that this was a good time to let him pass by, I waited for a second but realized he was far behind. (car skills are way too good honestly) I continued on the road and reached a neighborhood. In the middle of the road was a group of three cars and two police officers on each side. Moving them. I went to the side and drove right past them. After some more insane moves I got to an intersection where there were hundreds of police cars. I immediately got out of the car. I randomly jumped (scooby dooby doo style) and then raised my hands up. I got arrested and a cutscene began of me getting free and getting 280 thousand dollars. Then I woke up.
    2. cool horror dream ill share. Lights After Dark

      by , 08-08-2024 at 02:44 PM
      I was outside in the forest. We were on this hill with green grass. It was night time. There were people with lanterns and artificial lights around. It was dangerous to be with people without lights so we made sure to have enough lights. On the top of the hill was this rectangle cabin facing down on the hill. There weren't any doors though. That was a hotspot for people with lights. The bottom of the hill was a lake with rivers. I saw an animal but it was relatively harmless. Someone said make sure it doesn't bite. But it didn't. Yet my finger still hurt because it moved its head and crushed my finger a bit. After that I went up to the crowd and looked down to see hoards of people playing and chilling. Some with lights, some without. I looked to the right of me where there were people but they turned off their lights. Then I saw a wolf come close and then they got attacked. Everyone ran away and panicked. As we ran down the hill so did the wolf. We were all going to the right away from the hill. Where there were lights and cabins. I ran inside and let the wolf pass me but then I had the urge to run out. I even told myself I was so stupid and I'm gonna die like a horror movie. Then I ran to this big metal building like a garage or factory. I ran down till I met up with the wolf. I set up my gun but he attacked me before I could shoot. I continued to fight it. I killed him but he respawned but when I was low he finally died.
      We went back to the hill. As me and a few others got to the top we saw on the bottom that there were hordes of people. Some were sick and hurting others. I realized that it was probably from drinking pool/bad water. Because the lake and rivers looked like pool water. I slid down a pole to get down. But then I woke up. I fell back asleep to the same dream where I ran away but got captured. The person tried to drown me. I thought they were gonna get me to drink the water.
      I was able to fight the person away. As I ran I found a house. I started running to lock the doors and to close the blinds. Some kid entered but he didn't have a disease. So I told him to keep the doors locked. Then I went up to shower. There was lettuce, tomato, and food like life cereal. I ate while I was showering. (I heard someone say you should wash yourself so I did) I also drinked some water. I had this cutscene of a black guy working with a different guy and he said that he hoped that he won't get it and that his family went to the pool so he was scared that they could have got it. Then I got a random spoiler for inside out 2 lol. Disney has taken over our minds it's the end of the world!!!1!

      Wasn't that scary but was still pretty scary. Really fun dream I loved it.
      non-lucid , nightmare