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    Black Sea of Void 01.15.12

    by , 01-30-2012 at 11:04 PM (746 Views)
    I am in a bedroom with yellow walls. My Aunt Deb is there along with a man who looks a little like Herman Cain. I don't remember the exact moment of becoming lucid, but realize when in the dream and try to tell the other DC's. I walk up to a mirror with the intention of getting to a higher level dream. I am immediately in a black void. I can't see my body, but can still feel it. I feel that I am traveling through a tunnel. My speed keeps increasing until I fell I am traveling at light speed.. The tunnel ends in a black sea. I must have had a FA sometime after this and lost lucidity.

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    Updated 01-30-2012 at 11:11 PM by 20972

    lucid , dream fragment


    1. labyrint's Avatar
      This "How does Arupa Lokas relate or describe, maybe even help,,, states like Void, Abyss, Oblivion (state, not place or person or capula?)" i wrote for getting some views and insights on Void. i like how you see it as Black Sea.. poetry of impression makes it appear less empty. This is second synch in two days time with my dreamwork

      If you happen to have any recalls on landscapes and time at your hands,, you could write something here: http://www.dreamviews.com/f19/atlas-...ys-etc-127437/

      PS i also set my eyes on this while searching the posts: http://www.dreamviews.com/f19/piecing-void-127465/
    2. hermine_hesse's Avatar
      Thanks for the links, labyrint. With my focus on specific dream goals, it's easy for me to overlook lucid moments like these and not savor the beautiful experience that is the void. Your comment has helped me to refocus on what my real goal is - shattering illusion.