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    Meeting Nietzsche 02.10.12 (5:56am)

    by , 02-27-2012 at 11:37 PM (450 Views)
    I attempted a WILD, but achieved a DILD instead. My current dream goal had been to meet Nietzsche (my favorite philosopher) and have a conversation with him. At this point in my quest, I had become less interested in talking to Nietzsche, and more concerned with completing a dream goal and learning to find or summon someone in a dream.

    I start off in a non-lucid dream. I am in a house when I hear a name said aloud and know it is the name of my goddess. (Unfortunately, the name now eludes me.) I call her name and start climbing up the side of a cabinet up towards the ceiling. I float up and start to push through the ceiling. I attempt to do this with my eyes open, but it produces very strange sensations and only causes the ceiling to move up a bit like rubber. I close my eyes and it works. I start flying around and become lucid while in flight - a startling and exhilarating experience.
    I remember my dream goal to meet Nietzsche. Instead of creating a portal like I had previously been trying, or making a magic circle and summoning him like I intended when I went to sleep, I decide to try a different method. First, I call to him loudly, but yelling while I'm flying around somehow doesn't feel right. Also, it is nighttime and I am soaring over houses, so I decide not to disturb my little DC's that might be asleep below me. I also notice that if I concentrate on something else to hard I start to waiver a bit in my flight (which has never happened before). I whisper into the sky "Bring me to Nietzsche."
    I dip into the roofs of one of the houses, look around, then leave. I do this to another house and find a group of guys balancing on beams in an attic. I leave this house as well.
    I dip into another house and perch on the top of a post of a large, strange, wooden bunk bed. Each bed contains a little girl asleep in it. The girl in the bottom bunk crawls out of bed and looks up at me. Involuntarily, I turn me mouth and teeth into a monsters mouth full of long, sharp pointed teeth, snarl at her and scare her back into bed.
    I start to fly away, but am drawn back. I ask the little girl in the top bunk if she knows where Nietzsche is. She sleepily says, no. I crawl down and an older girl, probably their baby sitter, is awake in a chair across form their beds.
    I ask her the same question. "Yes," she replies. I ask if she knows where he is and if she can take me to him. She answers in the affirmative to both the questions. She leads me out the room, through a series of rooms, through a closet, into another room. Nietzsche is in this room. Sitting next to him is a younger boy who seems to be taking care of him. His hair is disheveled and he has his characteristic mustache, however, he is wearing modern clothes - a red track suit.
    He is sleeping sitting up in his chair. I walk up, sit across from him and try to rouse him. He is very gruff with me. I ask if he is indeed Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. "Yes," he answers in a thick German accent, "What of it?"
    I tell him how it has been my dream goal for sometime to meet him and I have been searching for him for almost two months.
    "Two months! Humph!" he exclaims.
    "Is that a long time?" I ask
    "Well, I suppose it is not so bad," he replies.
    "Do you have any advice for dreamers?" I ask.
    "Just...fix the universe!" he says before walking off, and the dream ends.

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