Trap Doors 01.09.12 Part 1
, 01-11-2012 at 11:14 PM (441 Views)
I had been out of lucidity practice for a while. The previous week, I decided to rededicate myself to the practice. This particular morning I had forgotten I was scheduled to be at work an hour and a half latter than usual, so had set my alarm clock much too early. When it went off, I got up and stayed awake for about 30mins before going back to bed. I remembered to clear my mind and set my intention for lucidity.
I found myself in a non-lucid dream. I was a passenger in a car my mom was driving. She was driving down a highway, taking me to work. I begin to feel tired in my dream and told her I was going to take a quick nap. I lent back my car seat and went to sleep.
I immediately woke into another dream. I immediately knew this was a dream, however, I still believed myself in the car with my mom was my waking reality. The dream in all senses was extremely vivid and felt like a higher level dream. I had a sense of forces swirling around me, as I do in most of my lucid, extremely vivid dreams.
I was in a hallway in a house, with two bedroom doors ajar to my left. I entered one of the bedrooms. I was absorbed with the intensity of the details. I can still recall every detail - the color of the wall, bedspread, and rug, the type of bed and furniture placement. This level of vividness would continue through the rest of the dream and the dream following.
It was a small room with a queen size bed, and had things littered about the room. The bed and the floor were covered in shoes. Most of the shoes were Nike running shoes in a size six or seven. Several of the shoes would flicker and change in details or change into a different shoe completely. This inconsistency didn't bother me, as I knew this was typical of my dreams. I examined the details of the room closely for several minutes - taken with the intensity of the realness. Even though I knew it was a dream - the colors were brighter and I could see more clearly than in my waking reality. Upon examination, I noticed the strange detail the all of the shoes were unworn.
I left the room and walked past the second room to the end of the hallway. I reached up to the ceiling and out of nowhere pulled down a ladder. I climbed up the ladder to the attic. There was a whole other expanse of rooms in the attic which seemed to be a completely other house. The first room had high, unadorned ceiling beams and looked like an attic. I walked through to the second room. There appeared to be a holiday party going on. A few people had on Christmas sweaters. Several where sitting on sofas, drinking. A middle-aged lady with a blonde bob who was sitting on the sofa told me to make myself at home. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a drink in a plastic cup.
I walked into the next room. I can see outside was a balcony with more people on it. There was an upright piano in the room with an open piece of music on it. I sat down at the piano and played the entire piece. The song was beautiful. As I was playing I could somehow hear it simultaneously played on the clarinet in my head. I felt the song was already in me and the dream was just helping me realize it.
I woke up immediately after playing my song, surprised to be in my bed and not in a car. The song quickly faded from my mind before I could attempt to sing it, play it, or wright it down.