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    Hidden's Dream Journal

    6/12-13/10 - Leopard attack

    by , 06-15-2010 at 07:29 AM (547 Views)
    I was boating down a river with some other people, being carried by the current. Back on shore, I found out I had to read another book and take a test for AP Spanish Literature. It was an extra test that was only for people who were really serious about Spanish. I started reading the book and found that it was a Bible with a bunch of little books inside.

    I'd forgotten my lunch, so my friend gave me one of hers. At the beginning of each week she packed lunch for the entire week. I thought this was a great idea and decided that I should do that too so that I wouldn't forget my lunch. She also let me borrow a writing book, which I read and took notes in. Then I realized that she might not have wanted me to write in it, but it was too late because I'd written in pen. I went to return it to her and hoped she wouldn't notice.

    I was in a field. I went off past some bushes to a little clearing, looking for my friend. Instead I found a couple of mice "having fun" while a third mouse looked on. There were some rabbits nearby too. I hugged one of the bunnies.

    A DC (my dad?) started demanding that he get the babies. At first I thought they were mice babies, but then I realized they were kittens, and the kittens soon turned into foals. The owner of the horses also wanted the foals, so they compromised by deciding that each of them would get one. I wondered how many babies a horse had at a time. In any case, there were two running around.

    One of the foals got out, so they rounded it up on horseback. A kid jumped on the foal's back and got it back into the corral, but in doing so he had injured it and it was going to die soon. I wondered who would get the foal that was still alive. Outside of the dream plot, I saw a leopard sneaking through the grass. It pounced on the second foal and ate it while the rest of us ran away.

    I went down a hall and into my room. I locked the door, then hid in a side room, which looked like an elevator. I leaned against the door to hold it shut, since it didn't lock. The police broke into my room through the window, then tried to get into the side room. Eventually they convinced me to come out. Then they started going through all the people present to make sure they weren't dangerous.

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    non-lucid , memorable
