6/24-25/10 - Shooting Stars
, 06-27-2010 at 08:41 PM (604 Views)
I actually don't remember the non lucid part of this dream, but here's what I wrote down...
We were refugees in a western city/town. We had horses, and my friend's horse almost died, but she fed it some essential equipment instead of letting it. Apparently we destroyed buildings...
We went to a little gazebo. As a bunch of other people came in, I floated up and flew out the window. I came to a roof where there were tons of shooting stars. A bunch of couples were sitting on the roof either kissing or watching the stars. One of the guys (a rather ugly guy) got down from the roof. I followed him, but he got away. I thought about going to Shibuya again, but decided that I would do this first. A bunch of horses trotted by. I hid behind a tree to avoid getting trampled.