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    Hidden's Dream Journal

    Meeting the Gods

    by , 06-27-2010 at 08:52 PM (797 Views)
    The first thing I remember is doing a RC. I had a FA, but I kept doing the nose RC, so I realized that I was actually still dreaming. unfortunately my eyes were closed, which is a recipe for disaster for me. I relaxed and tried to DEILD by pulling myself into my HH.

    Eventually I made it into a dream, where I was spinning around in dark water. There were a bunch of glowing red bubbles around me. I surfaced and found myself in a cavern, where there was a line of gods and their animals. I talked to a few of them, asking about their powers and whatnot. One of them, which had a raven on his shoulder, said that his raven served as an extra brain for him.

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    1. Samael's Avatar
      ...unfortunately my eyes were closed, which is a recipe for disaster for me. I relaxed and tried to DEILD by pulling myself into my HH.
      So, were you just floating around in blackness for a while? How does that work?
    2. Hidden's Avatar
      It was just like having my eyes closed.
      Sorry for being so inactive here... I've been using the old system.
    3. Samael's Avatar
      Sorry for being so inactive here... I've been using the old system.
      Such is life. I imagine it would be pretty hard to keep up with both.
    4. Hidden's Avatar
      Copying and pasting my entries isn't so bad, it's keeping up with other people's entries that's troublesome. Eventually I'll catch back up.