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    Saving my old Dream Guide

    , 12-12-2016 at 04:33 AM (410 Views)
    I found myself walking through a small clearing in a forest with a destroyed building. I saw a dream character but something felt off about her. She looked exactly like my second dream guide (reoccurring dream character) and all of a sudden, the building turns into the tower that collapsed on her and killed her. I am now fully lucid.

    This dream character stopped appearing when I was about 10 after she died and I thought that I would try to save her and turn back time. I close my eyes and spin around and all of a sudden, I'm in a court yard and the castle that was once in ruin is now fully built. I see my old dream self walk into the tower and vanish from my sight. I look into the sky and see the moon accelerating towards the ground. I sit down on an imaginary stool and play an imaginary piano. The tune I play creates a transparent box around the castle and the moon bounces off.


    Just as this happens, everything stops and turns gray. The once transparent box around the area is now shaded and a door appears in front of me. I imagine that beyond the door is a future 100 years in the future. I fly to the door and open it. When I cross through it, I find myself in deep space. There are many stars around and doors floating similar to the one I crossed. For about 40 minutes, I decide to visit and relive other dreams from my childhood until I wake up.

    The LD was around 50 minutes in total counting the time I fell asleep to the time I woke up.
    DreamCafe11 likes this.

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