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    The Blessed Vial

    by , 07-17-2023 at 07:05 PM (254 Views)
    Been forever since I posted here, but want to get back into it...

    Super interesting dream experience a couple of mornings back...I don't ever remember one quite like it. It was during snooze dozing, following a particularly ugly non-LD. I don't remember any detail on the first part of the dream, only that I was in the presence of someone (or some thing) that could grant wishes. I became semi-lucid.

    Though using the "semi" qualifier may be misplaced. Using it here as every lucid dreaming experience I can remember was in the first person...this one was in the third. Whatever you want to call it, I had recognized my dream state, was in full control, knew exactly what I wanted to do, and executed.

    I was in an ocean of blue. There was a surface and a sky, but apart from a few trees, everything was blue, the sky a shade lighter than the ground. I never saw the being granting wishes, but knew he/she/it was there. I asked him/her/it to "bless this." "This" was everything I have had with Lula. By "bless," I meant honor it, let it be cherished and celebrated, but take it away.

    I saw myself in the field of blue, arm outstretched and slightly uplifted. In my palm was a vial of cut crystal, V shaped, the physical manifestation of the "this" I wished to have "blessed." Around the vial was a transparent orb, much like the one Glinda The Good Witch traveled in in the 1939 version of The Wizard of Oz. The orb, and the vial within, began to rise into the cloudless blue sky. On waking, I thought of it as a parachute falling in reverse. As it rose, it left white tracers, like contrails...four at least, in straight lines, vertical and diagonal. Its ascent was very slow, and even once it was high above me, I knew I was still attached to it. Eventually, I let it go. With moderate success.

    At that point the dream visual ended, and physical sensations began. Immediately after letting go of the vial, I felt a soft touch on my bicep, as though the vial had not continued upward and away from me, but had fallen back to me. That sensation was followed by a tingling feeling throughout my whole body...like a million pin pricks head to toe, but immensely pleasurable. The sensation only lasted a few seconds, its intensity fading out gradually. Once it was fully gone, I came to complete wakefulness.
    Oneirin and Harlequin like this.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. Oneirin's Avatar
      Very cool dream. Sounds like a full lucid actually since you fully understood you were dreaming (even though it was in 3rd person).
    2. hoopoe16's Avatar
      Thanks! Yes, after posting I checked some threads and saw lots of folks have the third person view...new to me though!