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    Winter 2024 Night 1/12

    by , 01-14-2024 at 09:38 AM (177 Views)
    This dream entry is for the attack on titan themed event, and there will be spoilers to the show in here.

    The lucid dream originally had me as a dad, and the dream reached a nice spot to end on. It was when I was back at home when I decided to travel to the attack on titan world for the competition. I went into the basement of the house to find an exposed concrete wall and walked into it to transition into Paradis. As I went through the wall, I could feel myself passing by one of the colossal wall titan’s legs before reaching the other end of the wall. Once out, I saw the medieval looking city and looked up to see the massive walls, which really gave perspective to how huge colossal titans really are.

    I took a walk through the city trying to decide what I should do since I did not know what team I would be on yet. While wandering around I ran into the market and decided to try out the food available. I ended up getting an apple and after talking a bit with the vendors I went over to try some almond bread they recommended. I don’t even know if almond bread is real but it tasted good in the dream so it might be worth searching for in waking life. As I paid for the food I realized my clothing matched with the world, having been changed from the modern clothing in my past dream. One of the vendors ended up going with me as I left the market, as they decided to close at the time. We went over to buy some clothes and she pointed out the soldiers as they were traveling through another street. Although I was unsure of what my position would be in the competition, I remembered my goal of using their gear in this dream.

    We continued into a store which had a very wooden interior that I enjoyed, and we went to try out some outfits based on what was sold. After having some fun going through changing rooms and talking about the fashion trends, we went to pay for a set each. It was while I was in one of the changing rooms that I spawned a couple coins on my hand and put them into my nearly empty wallet. Using those extra coins I was able to pay for both of our sets and the cashier ended up giving a DV coin and other smaller coins as change. As we were about to leave the shop, a massive titan foot slammed through the ceiling with giant shards of wood and stone being thrown everywhere. I could tell that even if the titan didn’t directly step on anyone, the destruction of the building would kill everyone inside. With a hand motion I sent all the debris away from the vendor and cashier. I told them to run out as I stayed looking through the now torn roof at the massive titan.

    Looking up at the titan, I did not know if I would eventually be on its side but I knew that at the moment I had to stop it. It was about 6 stories tall, already with a cord tied around it from a now chewed up soldier in its mouth. It pulled the soldier out of its mouth and ripped off the cord, dropping the body as it turned to look at me. I was able to dodge its hand and grabbed the body as I ran to a part of the store hidden from the titan due to its still standing ceiling. I undid some belts and pulled the gear off the soldier’s body to put on myself. Once on I pulled the stretched cord back in, right as the titan finally managed to turn around to reach at me. As it crouched down to pull its hand under the ceiling, I ran next to its arm and used the gear to sling myself at the highest point of the building that hasn’t fallen yet. Now crouched, the titan had its nape exposed and even lower than the highest point. I used the other cable to send myself at its neck and sliced it with the swords attached to the maneuver gear. Now falling apart, only the cable attached to the building was anchored and I was sent flying out the building.

    I thought of returning to the people I was just with, but I decided to continue swinging around to see if there were other titans within the walls that may threaten them. I was able to cut down 2 or 3 others as I swung through the city, and as I was swinging around the last titan trying to find a good angle to strike, another soldier cut it down. They landed on a roof and swung an arm at me to get my attention. I landed on the roof as well and once I was right up to them they punched my face. I was expecting a compliment on killing the other titans but they made it immediately clear why they were so angry. They were asking who’s gear I stole, they didn’t recognize me and I was clearly not in uniform. I explained my side to it and we got into an argument about respect for the military. He took the gear after we were back on the ground and even though he was still mad at me he told me to go up to their office tomorrow. Although I had an attitude problem he did recognize I had what it takes to fight for them. At the time I thought I’d go only if I ended up in the human team, but on waking up I realized it would be worth joining either way.

    Since the decision was left for the next day, I chose to go back to the vendor and saw that they were safe with the cashier in a nearby building. We were happy to see each other and spoke about what’s happened since we were separated. As it became night I walked them home and went over to one of the other homes to claim it as my own. I walked inside and changed around the furniture to how I would like it, and allowed myself to transfer into another type of dream through sitting on a couch and imagining other situations.

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