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    1. "After Death Experience" (NLD)

      by , 10-17-2023 at 10:01 PM
      In this dream I had "after death experience", and my emotions was really vivid. Also I had some kind of self awareness but it didn't make me lucid. I like this dream much. After waking up I felt some kind of fulfillment but still I feel a little bit of insufficiency because the dream ended to quickly.

      I was sitting or kneel. I don't remember what position it was but I was on floor. Also I don't remember where I was. A man with sword was in front of me.
      -Soon you will die - he said.
      -Do whatever you need to do - I spoke to him with paecefully voice.
      I knew I will die in few moments. I wasn't afraid of death but still I felt a litle bit stressed what will be after the death. Because of that I started to meditate in the same way like I meditate everyday before sleeping. I closed my eyes for a while and next I opened them and looked forward. The man swang his sword...
      I saw black non-dimention void. I didn't felt pain but I felt mix of bliss, stress and relief. Very weird but nice feeling. After few moments the black void disapeared and I saw white background with text. It looked like PDF document but without any HUD. I read first few sentences. It was a story but the story wasn't related with me. Also I don't remember what about this story was.
      -That's all? After death all what I have is this stupid story?
      I started to scroll down-up and I recognized the story have about 20 pages. I had in my head that thought:
      -Maybe if I will read this to the end, maybe after that, there is something more? Maybe some kind of reincarnation? If yes... where and when I will reincarnated? By the way... how much time already passed? Here it was like a moment but on the Earth? Minutes? Years? What if I will stuck here forever and the story will be my only entartaiment? It doesn't matter because I cannot change what will happen. First I need to read the story to the end maybe it is very important. And... potnetially I can be reincarnated so I need keep my knowlegde and safe my personality. I need somehow prepare myself...
      I didn't come back to reading because I woke up. And I woke up relaxed and with light feeling of warmth.
    2. 6 month plan - Week 14 & 15

      by , 10-17-2023 at 09:49 PM
      Plan schedule is posted here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ilu...proving-95975/
      With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status
      With green color I marked reached goals
      With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals
      G2g - Goal-to-goal
      PoA - Point of Awarness
      PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness
      (More about g2g and PoA here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ilu...warness-96103/)

      Dream Recalling
      Week 14
      Avarage dream memory - 1.8
      Median - 2
      Max dream memory - 3
      Min dream memory - 1

      Week 15
      Avarage dream memory - 2.3
      Median - 2
      Max dream memory - 3
      Min dream memory - 1
      I think the recalling is more stable but I have less detail memory. I'm losing ability to remember entire dream for some reason and I don't know why. Also I see this will be the moment when I start to fail my goals.

      Recalling at beginning: 0-3 at any quality
      Goal: Dream Median 4-6 at any quality
      Month 1: Dream Median 0-3 at any quality
      Month 2: Dream Median 1-3 at any quality
      Month 3: Dream Median 2-4 at any quality
      Month 4: Dream Median 3-5 at any quality
      Month 5: Dream Median 4-5 at any quality
      Month 6: Dream Median 4-6 at any quality


      Week 14
      Nothing special to report.

      Week 15
      Nothing special to report.

      Goals: 2x20 minutes
      Month 1: 2x5 minutes
      Month 2: 2x7minutes
      Month 3: 2x10 minutes
      Month 4: 2x12 minutes
      Month 5: 2x15 minutes
      Month 6: 2x20 minutes

      Day awarness
      Week 14
      I start to feel interial peace. Also gained new skill - if I recover my awareness after medium time (10-60 minutes) I'm able to estimate how long I was unaware. That makes my PoA calculation more accurate (also I'm aware how unaware I'm ).

      Average PoA - 186
      Correction - 0.66

      Week 15
      Nothing special do report.

      Average PoA - 269
      Correction - 0.75

      Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level
      Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA)
      Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40)
      Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45)
      Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50)
      Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55)
      Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)
    3. 6 month plan - Week 13

      by , 10-04-2023 at 10:41 PM
      Plan schedule is posted here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ilu...proving-95975/
      With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status
      With green color I marked reached goals
      With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals
      G2g - Goal-to-goal
      PoA - Point of Awarness
      PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness
      (More about g2g and PoA here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ilu...warness-96103/)

      After the brake my motivation and scores are much higher.

      Dream Recalling
      Nothing special to report.

      Week 13
      Avarage dream memory - 2.2
      Median - 3
      Max dream memory - 3
      Min dream memory - 1

      Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality
      Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality
      Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality
      Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality
      Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality
      Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality
      Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality
      Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality


      Week 13
      Nothing special to report.

      Goals: 2x20 minutes
      Month 1: 2x5 minutes
      Month 2: 2x7minutes
      Month 3: 2x10 minutes
      Month 4: 2x12 minutes
      Month 5: 2x15 minutes
      Month 6: 2x20 minutes

      Day awarness
      Week 13

      Nothing special to report.
      Average PoA - 201
      Correction - 0.68

      Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level
      Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA)
      Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40)
      Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45)
      Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50)
      Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55)
      Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)