Plan schedule is posted here: With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status With green color I marked reached goals With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals G2g - Goal-to-goal PoA - Point of Awarness PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness (More about g2g and PoA here: Lucid Dream This is my first Lucid Dream during the training. According to my schedule, after lunch at 12pm I went to meditate. I was meditating 7 minutes and after that I made 1h nap. When I went to bed I decided to meditate again - this time as a anchor. I was curious how long I can handle my awareness. I didn't fell asleep at all but still I got deep relax state and it was very nice so I stayed in my bed. After about 40 minutes I started to feel kinetic hipnagogs. I played with them because I very like to manipulate my body feelings. After few minutes I felt toilet urge so I just woke up and went to toilet. When I switched on light I asked myself - "I'm still dreaming, right?". I knew this because light didn't work and my vision was in poor quality. I woke up after this because I was too rested. I woke up very relaxed and in good mood. Dream Recalling Nothing special to report. Week 8 Avarage dream memory - 2.8 dreams per day Max dream memory - 5 dreams Min dream memory - 2 dreams Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Meditation Nothing special to report. Goals: 2x20 minutes Month 1: 2x5 minutes Month 2: 2x7minutes Month 3: 2x10 minutes Month 4: 2x12 minutes Month 5: 2x15 minutes Month 6: 2x20 minutes Day awarness In this week I feel my awareness is much lower than usually so I made pause with PoA calculation. I was still trying to be aware but I didn't check time and I didn't care about effective I am. Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA) Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40) Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45) Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50) Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55) Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)
Plan schedule is posted here: With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status With green color I marked reached goals With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals G2g - Goal-to-goal PoA - Point of Awarness PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness (More about g2g and PoA here: I see my progress is slow. That's good because I belive the slow progress make long-term benefits. Also this project is my first time when I'm systematic with my dreaming hobby for so long time. That satisfy me. Dream Recalling Only one day without any remembered dream. Feelings in dreams are a little bit more complex and somtimes I think I'm close to get lucid dream only by self awarness. Also my ability to restoring forgotten dreams is higher. Week 7 Avarage dream memory - 2 dreams per day Max dream memory - 5 dreams Min dream memory - 0 dreams Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Meditation Sometimes during meditation I'm so relaxed that I'm getting sleepy. Once or twice I got even halfdream during this 7 minutes of meditation (I'm meditate in seiza position) Goals: 2x20 minutes Month 1: 2x5 minutes Month 2: 2x7minutes Month 3: 2x10 minutes Month 4: 2x12 minutes Month 5: 2x15 minutes Month 6: 2x20 minutes Day awarness Nothing special to report Week 7 Correction factor - 0.68 Points of Awareness - 61.5 PoA per day Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA) Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40) Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45) Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50) Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55) Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)
Plan schedule is posted here: With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status With green color I marked reached goals With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals G2g - Goal-to-goal PoA - Point of Awarness PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness (More about g2g and PoA here: Dream Recalling Nothing special to report. Dream memory is a little bit better and more stable than last time. Week 5 Avarage dream memory - 2.8 dreams per day Max dream memory - 5 dreams Min dream memory - 0 dreams Week 6 Awarage dream memory - 1.5 dreams per day Max dream memory - 3 dreams Min dreams memory - 1 dream (but forgotten before I wrote DJ entry in scratchpad) Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Meditation Nothing special to report Goals: 2x20 minutes Month 1: 2x5 minutes Month 2: 2x7minutes Month 3: 2x10 minutes Month 4: 2x12 minutes Month 5: 2x15 minutes Month 6: 2x20 minutes Day awarness Keeping waking awareness is easier than before but still I need working with my memory because it is very common when I just forget about my awarness xD This is why I added correction factor (or as you prefer - efficiency) as second goal for ADA. Also I see my general memory is a little bit better than before. And I pay more attention for details in my environment Week 5 Correction factor - 0.45 Points of Awareness - 44.7 PoA per day Week 6 Correction factor - 0.45 Point of Awareness - 84.6 PoA per day Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA) Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40) Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45) Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50) Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55) Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)
Plan schedule is posted here: With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status With green color I marked reached goals With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals G2g - Goal-to-goal PoA - Point of Awarness PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness (More about g2g and PoA here: Dream Recalling In this two weeks I started writing down my dreams but I don't have many of them. Good news is my dreams are starting to be much more aware (but not lucid) and recalling is slighty better. I call this "High Aware Non-Lucid Dream" (HANLD) Funny thing is once I was aware of my own snoring. Saddly it didn't make me lucid. Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Meditation Nothing special to report Goals: 2x20 minutes Month 1: 2x5 minutes Month 2: 2x7minutes Month 3: 2x10 minutes Month 4: 2x12 minutes Month 5: 2x15 minutes Month 6: 2x20 minutes Day awarness My goal-to-goal system made me aware how difficult ADA is. It is not a problem with being disciplined nor motivated. The big deal is with awarness by it self. I can regulary come back to ADA but I can't keep my awarness more than 2-3 minutes. It really piss me off, but now I know where is my problem and that mean I can try to fix it. Also I thought about g2g system and PoA and I think it is good system but I need to make correction factor to make PoA more accurate. More about goal-to-goal and Points of Awarness I will write in second DJ entry. Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level ]Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA) Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA) Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA) Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA) Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA) Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA)
To make everything in order and easy to read I decided to write seperate entry what "goal-to-goal" and "Point of Awarness" are. So if somebody start read my "6 month plan" entries in middle it is not nessesery to read every prev entry for better understanding. Goal-to-goal - It mean I'm not trying to be aware all time on waking day. I splitted ADA for smaller parts - "from goal to goal". Every single activity have start and end. So if I decided to be aware during that activity I know how much time I was aware. And more importat - if I lose my awarness I can estimate when I lost it Poit of Awarness (PoA) - It is Time of ADA Session multipling via Difficulty Factor Difficulty Factor (D/F) is as follow: Automatic activities (like walking, daydreaming or anything else that doesn't requires my attention so I can keep my mind clear) - 0.5 Regular activities (meditation, chit-chat with other people or anything that requires normal level of my attention) - 1.0 Distracting activities (Watching film, plying games, studying or any other distracting activities) - 1.5 During my ADA session I discovered that my awarness isn't "pure". I'm able to keep my attention for few minutes and after that my mind drift off for next few minutes. That mean my True Awarness isn't equal with ADA session. That forced me to create "Correction Factor" Correction Factor (C/F) It is estimenting twice per week (it will be monday and thuseday). In this time I will make accurate meansurment during series of very short (circa 5-10 minutes) ADA session. For example - If my series are: 6 minutes of aware per 10 min of session 3 minutes of aware per 10 min of session 5 minutes of aware per 10 min of session 4 minutes of aware per 10 min of session 4 minutes of aware per 10 min of session 5 minutes of aware per 10 min of session That mean my correction is 0.45 (because 27/60) Corrected Point of Awarness (PoA') - It is PoA multipling via Correction. I think using C/F is a little bit to harsh on my level so I will use PoA and C/F as seperate values and seperate goals. Why it is important to me? Because it is much more easier for managment. I don't need to think "how much I was aware" and I don't need to be scary if my subjective feelings are accurate or not. Even if my calculation are not 100% accurate, I have fixed procedures and I can compare my results