Plan schedule is posted here: With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status With green color I marked reached goals With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals G2g - Goal-to-goal PoA - Point of Awarness PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness (More about g2g and PoA here: I see my progress is slow. That's good because I belive the slow progress make long-term benefits. Also this project is my first time when I'm systematic with my dreaming hobby for so long time. That satisfy me. Dream Recalling Only one day without any remembered dream. Feelings in dreams are a little bit more complex and somtimes I think I'm close to get lucid dream only by self awarness. Also my ability to restoring forgotten dreams is higher. Week 7 Avarage dream memory - 2 dreams per day Max dream memory - 5 dreams Min dream memory - 0 dreams Recalling at beginning: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Goal: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Month 1: 0-1 at good quality and/or 0-3 at any quality Month 2: 1 at good quality and/or 1-3 at any quality Month 3: 1-2 at good quality and/or 2-4 at any quality Month 4: 2 at good quality and/or 3-5 at any quality Month 5: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-5 at any quality Month 6: 2-3 at good quality and/or 4-6 at any quality Meditation Sometimes during meditation I'm so relaxed that I'm getting sleepy. Once or twice I got even halfdream during this 7 minutes of meditation (I'm meditate in seiza position) Goals: 2x20 minutes Month 1: 2x5 minutes Month 2: 2x7minutes Month 3: 2x10 minutes Month 4: 2x12 minutes Month 5: 2x15 minutes Month 6: 2x20 minutes Day awarness Nothing special to report Week 7 Correction factor - 0.68 Points of Awareness - 61.5 PoA per day Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA) Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40) Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45) Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50) Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55) Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)