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    Nice LD chaining

    by , 03-28-2023 at 03:51 PM (167 Views)
    Yesterday I got an idea that I can play ASRM from Pornhub on earphones during WBTB so even if I fail then still I have chance for nice dream. And I done this.
    First, in morning (0630 am) I set up alarm clock and I woke up. According with the plan I played prepared looped ASRM and I went back to sleep. I had problem with falling to sleep and max what I got it was deep relax. Not bad but it wasn’t my goal. I spend 1 hour in bed and I woke up.
    Next, because of cancelled 2h of e-learning I had some time for nap so I repeated my procedure. At 0950 I went to bed and I played prepared looped ASRM. First about 20 minutes was the same – just regular relax but I decided to stay in bed anyway. After few more minutes I fell asleep.

    Dream 1 (lucid)
    I restored my awareness in late pre-dream state. Right before the dream started. I felt like my eyes was trying to open by itself so I was focused on keeping my eyes closed. But they opened anyway. “Fuck it” - I thought and woke up. Habitually I grabbed my phone for time checking and before I even looked at my phone I recognized fact I’m in dream. I felt sleepy and dizzy and I hardly stand on my feet. Anyway I reminded that I wish to talk with my subconscious so I went to my door with intention with that intention. When I opened the door I saw nothing. Next room was much more darker and the only thing what I saw (exclude empty corridor) shadow (and only shadow) of unspecified person. I went to next door with same intention – I want summon my subconscious behind door but next room was empty. After that I woke up.

    I still had 1 more hour of free time so I stayed in bed and I drifted off almost instantly.

    Dream 2 (lucid)
    I don’t remember that dream very well. And to be honest that lucid dream was more like half lucid but still this is success for me.
    I was in my bed. I saw via my opened door that my mother and grandfather come back to home so I decided to do nothing. For some reasons I didn’t recognized them as NPC although I was aware that I’m in dream.

    I woke up and again instantly drifted off.

    Dream 3 (non lucid)
    This dream wasn’t lucid BUT… BUT it was about I was making entry in DJ on this forum. And in this dream I made well accurate description of 2 previouse lucid dreams. Even somebody replayed to me but I don’t remember what about it was.

    I’m not sure if I woke up after that dream or not

    Dream 4 (lucid)
    Same like in dream no. 2 that dream was more like half lucid and my memory from this dream isn’t perfect. Anyway, I remember much more than in dream 2.
    Because I was still hearing ASRM so I decided to make some fun. But for some reason I didn’t even tried to summon someone to play with me and I spent that time alone :/

    Dream 5 (non lucid)
    I was playing in video game. Something between simcity and city skyline. Nothing special, BUT… sometimes in that dream I was thinking about lucid dreaming

    Summary: That nap was awesome! It’s my record in LD chaining. And even non lucid dreams were related with lucidity. Tomorow I have free day, so I will do the same thing
    I'm wondering on one thing. What exactly helped me with lucidity? It passed almost one month when I started with ADA and in this period of time this is 4th "lucid-related event" (I'm counting failed WILD during competition when I was close to enter into dream), so my theory is: That asrm probably is working as anchor for me and because I'm training ADA so maybe my WILD skill is boosted?
    theshirecat likes this.

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