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    1. Spring comp 2024: 10.04

      by , 04-11-2024 at 01:21 PM
      NLD Fragment #1
      I don't remember much. I was playing Tibia. My character was in eastern undergrounds near to Thais city
      NLD #1
      I was in my old home. My father called me so I went to him. He said that I have a guest. It was my chief mate from my vessel (By the way - he is fictional and doesn't exist in real life). I explained my parents that he is my co-worker and we started to talk. I don't remember the details but something was weird to me. Sometimes he was talking in english sometimes in polish. When I payed more attention he started using only polish language. That was even more weird for me because he is not from poland. Also when I looked at him he was really tall - about 2 meters
      I was using my computer when I stand up to get some chocolate bar. I went to shelf in my room and I saw there is no my chocolate.
      -Did I ate it? I was sure I didn't... - I thought - Wait. What is that?
      I saw small plastic box with some old opened chocolates. It was weird because I cannot recognize them. I made RC and it was positive.
      -So this is a dream! Yes, now remember. I'm napping right now!
      I started to think what to do because I didn't prepare a plan. I reminded that I have meditation on my to do list so went to dayroom of mine. I sit on chair with crossed legs. The chair was comfy but somehow unnatural also I started to meditate but nothing happened.
      I felt that my dream soon will be end and few moments later I woke up...
      Or maybe not because I made another RC and I was still in LD. But not for long because alarm clock woke me up.
    2. Spring Comp 2024: 05.04

      by , 04-06-2024 at 01:58 PM
      NLD #1
      On the beginning I wasn't a character but more like spectator that can enter into NPC mind.
      A Uber driver got call from passanger. He was in convinience store in this time. He was buying 2 bottles of beer, when passanger called via telephone. He paid attention to not making sounds due to glass bottles - he wanted to keep in secret that he bought alcohol on his duty. He accepted order and went into his car. The car inside looked dirty and poor. The driver called to passanger to ask him where he prefer to sit during travel because he wish to know how to prepare car. But the true intention of this question was, he wish to know how to hind his beer.
      -Where do you prefer to sit? - He asked
      -I dunno. On behind I guess? It is possible? - the voice from phone answered.
      -Yea, sure. No problem I will prepere my car and I will come for you.
      The driver hide his beer on front passanger seat, and he departed. Now I spawned in his car car on back seat. I looked around, his car was just ugly and damaged
      -Are you don't cre about your car, are you? - I asked
      -Not at all. It is my first car and I have it many years. Now it is a tool. A work tool... - He answered
      Driver was driving really fast. He didn't slowed even on speed bump. I left his car near to my university and entered inside bulding.
      Me and friend of mine got chart with ours grades. The grades was good enough but on other side of the char I saw I have "2.0" (that mean "D grade" for US friends and "5.0" for germany friends ) and "1.0" ("F grade" for US and "6.0" for germany). That grades was for additional project made for other university. I just shrugged and went away. When I was passing corridor I saw a stall. They had big chocolet candy. Really big, almost like chocolet bar. I was curios what stall it is so I stopped, got one candy and started to read brochure. Young lady started to speking to me. She scared me because I didn't saw her before. She started talking about shooting club. I dont remember the details but she convinced me. I got pistol for free and I entered into classroom. At this moment on corridor I heard shoots. School shooting has started.
      NLD Fragment #1
      I was on undefined place. Pains and fields was on my surrundings. My father asked me to go to shop and buy some beer.
      -Today is sunday. Every shop is closed right now. All I can do is check the stadium - I speak to him, and pointed at stadium that was visible on our horizon - but be aware that price will be very high and there is not gwaranty that the stadium will be open anyway.
      -Hmmm... Okay never mind let's go to city.
      (The stadium was fictional by the way. Entire area also - all of this was creation of my mind there is no real place or place I can know from game or movie). We went into car and rive to city. After few minutes of riding we stopped somewhere to check route on map. On car mirror I saw some agressive villager is coming to us so we just run away.
      NLD Fragment #2
      I was in garden. Everything looked like mix of Minecraft and Vintage Story. On map I saw some resources to mine. When I looked around i saw entrance to cave. I was prepering my backpack when my friend came to me and started to arguing with me that I do nothing. I just smiled at him, and entered to the cave
      NLD Fragment #3
      This one I reminded right now. When I was writing about Fragment #2. But my memory about this dream is almost zero
      I was on ship moored in port. I don't know what type of vessel it was or what type of cargo terminal was around. I was on offshore side of vessel and I saw old wooden ship passing by. She had barge on her bow.
      -Wow she is pretty fast... for sure she broken local speed limitation. It's very risky. Also I cant belive she is so quiet
    3. Spring Comp 2024: 04.03

      by , 04-05-2024 at 05:31 PM
      NLD #1
      I went on walk to city. It was nice night. I passed some streets and went to oldtown of my home city. Looked around and saw a lot of people in white monk hoodie on entry to castle gate.
      -Maybe some festival we have? - I thought
      I turned left on next crossway and started searching for some pizza. It was late so it was understandable that a lot of pubs and other eating places was closed.
      -Somewhere here my favorite pizza supposed to be - I thought again
      But it wasn't. I reach end of street and look around and saw my place circa 20 meters away on my right.
      -Ah! here! I see now. But always it was there? I can bet it was closer.
      I went in that direction and saw few workers inside. I entered.
      -Excuse me. It is still open? - I asked
      -Yes it is, but soon we will close. How can we help you?
      -It is possible to order one pizza?
      -What kind?
      -Let's check... - I looked into menu and ordered one. But I cannot remind what pizza it was.
      -No problem. Estimate time for order 10 minutes
      -Thank you!
      One pizzaman left with his last delivery order. During waiting for pizza I started to talk with personnel about I don't remember the details. Waiting for pizza was prolonged. In this time the pizzaman went back to base.
      -Are your pizza still not ready? It took me 20 minutes to come back here. Are fine?
      -Yes I'm. It's not big problem for me - I smiled.
      Short after that my pizza come. It looked like big pie with orange-red topcoat. I cut slice of my pizza but when I wish to put that piece into my mouth I woke up

      NLD Fragment #1
      I was in my flat. It looked very small, dirty, poor- equipped and sad for some reason. I remember my grandfather. We were talking about something.
      NLD Fragment #2
      I was in dark place. I don't remember where. One person was in front of me. Probably friend of mine but I cannot confirm that. He showed me weird device.
      -It is small nuclear generator - He explained - Feel free to test it.
      -Emmm... Are you sure?
      -Yea! Just use a crank.
      I used the crank. It was very heavy to move. I saw like big undefined ball was closing to metal rod (btw I think that ball can be the "demon core"). Some noise appear the the ball come closer to the rod. I stopped and all mechanism come back to start position.
      -Don't be shy - person said
      I used crank again and the ball moved near to the rod. The rod starts to be red and probably hot. Some steam appeared.
      I had one more dream but alredy forgotten
    4. Spring comp 2024: 02.04

      by , 04-03-2024 at 10:52 PM
      NLD #1
      I was inside of dugout with 3 or 4 men. We were clearing our future shelter from old spoiled food and other garbage because we were preparing for war. In second room I picked up big glass jar with green water with old fermented cucumbers. It was a little bit heavy. I gave it to man who was helping us in clearing. Next I picked up big ceramic bowl also with water. The water started to move during transfering the bowl so I felt small odor.
      I woke up and I recognize that I was lying on wooden chest inside the dugout. I felt dizzy and my body didn't moved. "I'm dead?" I thought. I started to observe my surroundings without moving my body. Other men were continue clearing and they didn't paid attention at me. "No, I'm alive. So... I felt asleep? Why?". I stand up.
      I don't know where I was. I cannot recognize the area. I and other person are walking around. We were patrolling or searching for something. I found big hole that went deep inside ground. My partner used flashlight but the light was too weak
      -Wait, I have laser pointer. Let's check how deep it is - I said
      When I was trying to pick my laser I lunch flare by accident
      -Fuck! Okay we will use this! - I said and threw the flare inside the hole.
      The hole was very deep - 15 maybe 20 meters. It was full of spiderwebs and on the end we saw the tunnel is turing somewhere. Also it was enough space so one person can crawl inside. But there was no volunteer to crawl inside that spiderwebs...
    5. Spring comp 2024: Annex for day 01.04

      by , 04-02-2024 at 08:26 PM
      I recalled one dream!
      I was on board. The vessel was moored along quay.
      -FIRE! FIRE - I heard
      I looked on shore and saw small pile of biomass on fire. People near to fire did nothing so i got small fire extinguisher and ran to place of accident.
      -You and you! - I pointed with my finger on two persons - bring more extinguishers! NOW!
      I checked what type of extinguisher I have but symbols on the bottle was unable to understand for me.
      -Screw this! I just use it- I thought.
      I checked pressure level on manometer - it was optimal - and after aimed not on fire source, but very close and next I made test use.
      -Foam type... okay I need to aim directly to fire source.
      I started to fight with fire. The fire starts to disappear but very slowly. At this moment personel with additional extinguishers come.
      -Take it and advance from another direction - I ordered.
      When fire source become small and one person was enough I started to extinguish a wall. After finish we collected all gears and put on place. I start to talk witch chief mate about our work (I dont remember the details)
    6. Spring Comp 2024 : 29-01.04

      by , 04-02-2024 at 04:20 PM

      NLD #1
      Because I'm writing this dream after 4 days I have lack in my memory, but this dreams was fully remembered when fresh:
      I was on my way home. I don't remember where I was before and I belive that this information wasn't defined by my dream. It was pretty dark like middle of the night and I was waiting for a train. My waiting was prolonged so I went on walk just to kill time. When I come back I recognized I'm late. The train has gone. More important - my luggage disappeared! Someone took it! I was stressed but I remined that one old lady was on station and maybe she took it.
      [this part is missing]
      I was on my next station and I was looking for ma luggage but I cannot find it. So I come back to previous station. When I was on my way I was in germany town. I passed some small 2 or 3-flored buildings. The surroundings was very peacefully and empty. The sky was black with many small white dots. No clouds nor wind. When I come back I met with my sister and she helped me to find my luggage but we didn't

      [No dreams]

      NLD #1
      I was diving somewhere and I resurfed myself. I catched large piece of ice and looked on friend of mine. I push my phone to him. Ice was very slippy and my friend catched my phone with difficulty. He checked something and pushed back to me. Unfortunately he missed and my phone fell into water. "Maybe I will be faster" thought and I dived into water again. I was searching for my phone but without searchlight it was impossible! Sometimes I felt algae sometimes i felt stone wall. But I can't find my phone! Friend of mine start to navigate me with his voice "A little bit right! More... to much! go left" he said. At one moment I started to think "Why I even hear him? I'm underwater". But before I made RC my dream ended
      Also I had in this day one more dream but I cannot remind. Maybe later.

      I had 2 dreams but already forgotten :/
    7. Winter Comp 2024 18.01

      by , 01-19-2024 at 12:07 AM
      NLD #1
      I was a ally of Polish Underground State and went somewhere via train. I was in transporter wagon and I had bag with me (probably documents was inside). The train stopped on station. Via illuminator or other hole I saw other train.
      -That's perfect - I said.
      From inside I quickly opened gate and I jump from the wagon. My new train started so I catch metal railing that was attached to last wagon of the new train. I tried to pull up myself but I was to weak. Nazi soldiers spotted me and they opened fire from MP-40 to me.
      Suddenly dream scenario changed (maybe I died ). I was in middle of forest somewhere in south poland. This time I had friend or guide with me. The forest was very dense - like jungle but more important - very beautiful. The guide led me to river bank.
      -Now we need to jump in and swim to another bank.
      I looked on the river. The water has natural green color and inside I saw a lot of orange fishes. They were big (40-50cm long).
      -Are you sure there is no other way? - I asked
      -Yes, but it will take few days. This is big shortcut.
      -Okay, not big deal - I jumped into the river.
      The water had neutral tempeture. I felt a little bit wet but it doesn't bother me.
      -"Hopfully I put my radio transceiver into plastic bag" - I thought.
      This time I had no bag with documents but big military backpack with radio transceiver. I was suprised that I have no problem with swimming. The backpack was heavy but maybe air inside made perfect ballance. Anyway I swim to another river bank.
      The scenario has changed - Now I was in village. I was searching a place to put my radio transceiver. Also I wished to change my wet clothes but nobody was in the village.
      The memory about rest part of dream was blurred. I remember that I wanted to go back to home. Also somewhere I had fight with alien boss.

      DF #1
      I was a teenager and I come to new school. I remember that most people disliked me for some reason
    8. Winter Comp 2024 17.01 (LD but nothing special)

      by , 01-17-2024 at 09:20 PM
      Aware part

      Today I remembered zero dreams but also I slept today only about 6h. At 7pm I set up alarm clock for 30 minutes - I wanted to meditate. It was just for myself (not for competition) because I knew that probably I will just fall asleep. I was right - I fell asleep after about 20 minutes and woke up at 7:30pm.
      I stayed in bed for while and again I fell asleep but this time I had dream:

      I was typing with my friend on discord server. I felt very dizzy like after alcohol. It was challenging to type with sense in that state. After few moments my dream "ended".
      I was lying in bed like during WILD attempt. I knew that I'm in dream but I lost my memories about fragment with typing with my friend. I was preparing to wake up from bed so I switched on room light. Something happened, the light switched on but in defferent way. It was like from other room and the light come through eyelid. I started to think that maybe this isn't the dream.
      I woke up to check what happened - I totally forgot about RC. I went to kitchen and I saw my mom. And in front door I saw my father.
      I woke up again. I was still in dream but I didn't recognized that fact. I tried WILD again. I got hipnagogs inside my dream but before I tried do something REM has ended.
      This time I woke up for real. I was so confused that I was unable to recognize if I'm in reality or not

      Updated 01-17-2024 at 11:40 PM by 95326

    9. Winter Competition 2024 16.01

      by , 01-17-2024 at 02:04 AM
      Today I memoriased 4-5 dreams but almost all was forgotten few moments after wake up :/

      DF #1
      I was in bulding of my university. Unknown time. I went inside elevator with some students. When door closed one student ask me that I have something on my uniform. First I saw that I have big black back in my hands. After fast inspection I recognized the bag as a bodybag. I smell intence odor and I saw some alsmot transparent liquid was dripping from the bag on my uniform. The bag slipped from my hands on floor. Via plastic I saw woman face but I was unable to recognize who she is. I gentle open that bag. Odor was more intence. Also I saw some body part but I don't remember what exacly part. Probably amputated hand. I woke up (propably end of REM phase).

      DF #2
      I was somewhere in shopping mall but I cannot summon any memories about that place. Probably my local shop mall.

      DF #3
      I was in my home. I was waiting for something but I cannot remind for what. It was morning and via window I saw that a uknown man is aproaching to me. I live on ground floor so it scared me that someone is aproaching to my window. When the person climbed on my balcony I recognized his face - it was my co-worker from old work. He asked me about something but I don't remember.

      DF #4
      Friend of mine was using somehere PC. I don't remember what place or time it was.
    10. Winter competition 2024 14.01

      by , 01-16-2024 at 04:34 AM
      NLD #1
      I was on vessel and saw that we are going straight in to shore. I went on bridge and passing wheelhouse I started to think "I can change course by myself, but if something happen this will be my fault. Better first I will go to officer". I went to chief officer and inform him about situation. He check this on ECDIS (this is electronic map) and he asked what we suppouse to do (but he asked net because he didn't know. He asked to check my skills). "Hard to port. There is no other option we can avoid colission" I answared. The Chief aproved so I wnet to wheelhouse passing sleeping on chair master. I woke him up because he was blocking my way to the wheel. After changing course I was observing what is going on. The ship didn't fit in and we hit shore with aftpart of our vessel. I saw hole in stone berth but our vessel looked undamage so we continue our voyage.
      This was first part of dream and I don't remember if that was day or night. Second part start belowe:
      It was night - I remember pure black sky without clouds. We were passing whiout any problems nor accident but other vessel come to us for document transfering. We just send them using backet and rope (yea - this is how we are transfering items and documents between vessel-vessel in real life - just rope and bucket ). I put my hands on railling and for some reasow water was comming from that. I took my hands and water stopped comming.
      Part three:
      I was on brigde using ECDIS because again we almost had collision. Now I was acting like commander saying what to do. When we avoid another navigational obstracle master said that I have potential to being a officer.

      DF #1
      I was playing in video game - something very similar to GTA. I took NPC woman for shopping - it was part of minigame and I was on date with her.

      DF #2
      This dream was about car racing and it was evening time. I remember that one car was damaged also I saw experimental 2 wheeled racing car.

      DF #3
      I was eating bucket of ice cream and I sam small black balls inside. I asked my friend what it is and he said "I don't know". I checked this and they were small spiders! Disgusting! I felt remaining balls between my tooth!

      DF #4
      Dream was near of my allotment gardens and I was doing some IT experiments. It was daytime, sky probably cloudy. I discovered that I can catch wifi signal from far away (about 1km) and I was very suprised about that.
      Some part of dream was inside my IT school. I was rewiring d-sub connection. Also I remember my sister in my dream but I cannot remind in what part she was.
    11. Winter Competition 2024 12-13.01

      by , 01-14-2024 at 02:21 AM
      This day I had 2 dream:

      DF #1
      I was playing in team fortress 2 but I don't remember what class I chosen. It was capture the flag mode. I sneak into enemy base and I saw that almost every player is playing as a soldier. I captured the flag but the flag looked like pink crystal bowl.

      NLD #1
      It was night, I was going back to home on my bicycle. I pased small river via bridge (but in real life the drainage ditch is in that place). Friend of mine (I don't know her in real life) called me so I stopped and looked around. I saw her swimming in the river. She come to me to say hello. An unknown person come to us and he started abuse her. I picked a fight with him so my friend can escape into block of flats. The man run after her and I run after him. I catch him on last floor so my friend can run away.
      We were out of bulding. I pick up my firend on my motorcycle (yea my dream replace my bicycle) so We can go to gas station and ask cashier to call the police. But it was a ambush! The cashier was with attacker!


      DF #1
      I was typing with my friend on discord.

      NLD #1
      I was on vessel inside my cabine. It was daytime, weather good (no rain, no wind, sea state normal etc). I looked via my porthole on deck and I saw that we are approaching to berth and 2-3 seafarers were preparing for maneuverings. I was suprised that nobody called me for the maneuvering but I just shrug my shoulder saying "If nobody called me that mean I'm unnesessery". But I saw that we are going very fast. Too fast for berth approaching... I was trying to keep myself calm but shore was more and more close... There is no other option - I need to get ready.
      I don't remember what happened after, but our vessel was moored. I was on deck talking with seafarers
      -What is going on? Where is my old crew? The ukrainian ones?
      -They were replaced. Cargo owner asked for only polish crew
      -All of them are going to home?
      -And what about me? I'm from old crew
      -You are staying onboard. You are polishman after all
      -Oh, Okay. And what cargo are we loadning?
      -Some laptops and PC
      -Entire bulk carrier for IT toys? Are you insane?
      -Not entire ship. We are transfering only 4 pieces
      -This is even more ridiculous!
      -Don't tell me. Cargo owner payed and we are in charter - He shrugged
      I checked the cargo, and I went to the city wondering how peacefully voyage we will have.

      DF #2
      In this dream I was on vessel on middle of paccific ocean. Daytime, good weather condition.
    12. Winter Comp 2024 09.01

      by , 01-09-2024 at 10:36 AM
      For some reason I was able to sleep today only 3h (even less) but I got one dream. It was very short because it was first REM phase.

      NLD #1
      I was in my room. As usually it was night and my vision was limited due to lack of light. I was preparing myself for WILD session and I created big pile of pillows on my bed. Next I lied on them and the dream ended.
      Entire dream had circa 3 minutes so nothing more happened.

      I made "nap", next 3h of sleeping.

      WILD Attempt
      I was lying in my favorite position. I don't know how long, maybe 20-30 minutes when I started to feel hipnagogs. I was able to feel someones presence. I heard that someone come to me and it was uncovering my head. I felt gentle moving blanket. Next the person catch me just above my hips and started saying something to my ear. I don't know what because the voice was deformed. Anyway that grip near my hips was unpleasant, it was painfull so I decided to abort that attempt. I opened eyes but still I was unable to move. After few seconds I woke up.

      I changed position and again I tried WILD but this time I fell very quickly.

      I don't remember the beginning of that dream, also I don't remember when I started to be lucid. But I was near home of my friend. Ofc it was dark. I started to summon items but with no progress so I decided to change location. I was trying to create portal but it didn't work... for the moment! I told to myself "One more try. There is portal behind my back, I will quick rotate and just jump into" and this is what I done. The portal appeared and I fell into but on other side I was surrounded by infinity darkness. Yep - I was in void probably because I didn't define my teleportation destination.
      After few moment I saw person in front of me. I was surprised because it was anime-styled woman. It was first time when I was dreaming about anime I Inspected her appearance - she looked unfamiliar for me. I was shocked because I didn't expect that my subconscious have it's own OC. She had light brown hair and green eyes. "Usually I preffer girls with blue eyes, but in this case she look better with green ones" I thought. She smilled at me and she gave me her both hands. I gantle grab them and I felt her warm skin.
      At this moment I lost my awareness. In next part of dream I was unaware but I memorised what happened before.
      I woke up on floor in my home. I was a child or teenager. My father took me to his car but I dont remember where we were going.

      DF #1
      I was in some kind of village with my friend on a hill. It was daytime. I was disscus with my friend about electronics and radio stuff. He aproach with me to egde of the hill and he showed me his satelite. I saw big levitating stalite far away. He started rotating that satelite with pilot and he hit road. "Hey, be carefully! You can damage your satelite!"

      NLD #2
      I was in forest in night time. I was walking with my backpack on snow when I saw nice spot for camp so I put my backpack on the ground and I went check surroundings. I saw weird rabbit paw prints in snow. I gentle put my finger inside and the prints was fresh - the snow was loose and fragile. I went back to my backpack and I sterted to preparing sleeping bag. During that activity I was attacked by yellow bear. I run away.

      Updated 01-09-2024 at 04:06 PM by 95326 (Nap)

    13. Winter Competition 2024 08.01

      by , 01-08-2024 at 02:39 PM
      Today I had series of dream fragments

      In this dream I was talking with someone about Lucid Dreaming

      I was a vessel officer, probably 3rd mate. I was preparing the vessel for departure near main gangway. It was daytime, nice weather.

      I was discuss with somebody about rivers in Poland. My brain created thing called "Transport potential factory" and it is property of river how much cargo can be transferred via vessels and barge. The TPF include not only main river but also tributary.

      I had 3 more DF today, but I forgot them. I will edit this entry if my memories come back
    14. Winter Competition 2024 07.01

      by , 01-07-2024 at 07:16 PM
      NLD 1:
      I was in forest, probably in Europa and it was middle of the night. I had 1 or 2 platoons of XVII century army forces approximately 50-70 meters behind my back. Mainly infantry and some oldschool canons. It was dark but still I was able to see bronze or brass details on the canon barrels and wheels. Front of me I saw enemy troops 100-200m ahead of us. They was hidden in bushes. I commanded my soldiers to take position and engage the enemy but the attack didn't launch. I looked at my force and I saw that one team was retreat without any fight. I call them but they ignored me.
      The dream ended before battle begun

      I don't remember where I was but I was a monk. I was full of thankfull, love and generally I was happy. I remember I hugged someone
    15. 6 month plan - week 21-23

      by , 12-12-2023 at 01:37 AM
      Plan schedule is posted here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ilu...proving-95975/
      With blue color I marked goals with "working in progress" status
      With green color I marked reached goals
      With red color I marked failed, missed or deleyed goals
      With orange color I marked partly reached goals
      G2g - Goal-to-goal
      PoA - Point of Awarness
      PoA' - Corrected Point of Awarness
      (More about g2g and PoA here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ilu...warness-96103/)

      I come back to home. End of week 21 was a little mess because of that - clearing my cabin for new crew mate, checking and packing my staff, traveling, drinking in hotel with old crew members, unpacking my laguage in home etc. In week 22 I was very lazy and I did nothing for my training. Its not like I was unmotivated or something happened. It was pure laziness. In recompensation I will expanse my training by 1 week.

      Week 23 was difficulty for me. It was hard to come back to my rutine especially I was in "new" enviroment (new I mean new for this training. Before my day schedule was dependent by my work. Now all my days are free and I need to start new rutine

      Dream Recalling
      Week 21
      Avarage dream memory - 1
      Median - 1
      Max dream memory - 1
      Min dream memory - 1

      Week 22
      Avarage dream memory - N/A
      Median - N/A
      Max dream memory - N/A
      Min dream memory - N/A

      Week 23
      Avarage dream memory - 1.4
      Median - 1
      Max dream memory - 3
      Min dream memory - 0

      Nothing special to report.

      Recalling at beginning: 0-3 at any quality
      Goal: Dream Median 4-6 at any quality
      Month 1: Dream Median 0-3 at any quality
      Month 2: Dream Median 1-3 at any quality
      Month 3: Dream Median 2-4 at any quality
      Month 4: Dream Median 3-5 at any quality
      Month 5: Dream Median 4-5 at any quality
      Month 6: Dream Median 4-6 at any quality


      Still I'm doing only one meditation per day. I don't have motivation for doing it twice per day

      Goals: 2x20 minutes
      Month 1: 2x5 minutes
      Month 2: 2x7minutes
      Month 3: 2x10 minutes
      Month 4: 2x12 minutes
      Month 5: 2x15 minutes
      Month 6: 2x20 minutes

      Day awareness
      Week 21
      Average PoA - 330
      Correction - N/A

      Week 22
      Average PoA - N/A
      Correction - N/A

      Week 23
      Average PoA - 327
      Correction - 0.73

      Nothing special to report.

      Goal: Reach “very high awarness” level
      Month 1: “Non-zero” (> 0 PoA)
      Month 2: “Occasionally” (> 48 PoA and correction > 0.40)
      Month 3: “Low awarness” (> 144 PoA and corr. > 0.45)
      Month 4: “Moderate awarness” (> 240 PoA and corr. > 0.50)
      Month 5: “High awarness” (> 336 PoA and corr. > 0.55)
      Month 6: “Very high awarness” (> 432 PoA and corr. > 0.60)
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