The Blue Light
, 06-29-2015 at 01:06 PM (578 Views)
I am in a house with a couple of female friends I don't recognize from waking, and I'm semi-lucid. We're all standing in the kitchen which reminds me a bit of my grandmother's old house. Suddenly we begin to move towards the back room and I realize we're in a little train on a track. The train approaches the door, which opens automatically. On the other side is the outside world which drops far far down to the ground below. The metal tracks are suspended over it. Another track is merging with ours from the left and beyond that the tracks just end. It looks like it was built that way, but I "remember" that it wasn't that way before and this makes me nervous. The train is going too fast and I call to my friends to try and slow it down. I use the weight of my body to try to help. We slow down a little, but as we hit the bumper at the end of the rails, the train starts pitching forward, doing a front flip.
Somehow I get out of this situation and back into the house, feeling more lucid. I think my grandma is standing in the kitchen now. I try to leave the house and the doors keep closing on me. The front door is sliding slowly closed like elevator doors as I approach, but I manage to stick my hand in at the last second and stop it. I float out and up, fleeing this madhouse of falling trains. I feel like the situation is pursuing me, so I angle more up, hoping to get into open skies, but instead of seeing sky, I see flat blue light covering most of my vision. It feels good though, so I plunge myself into it, letting it surround me. I no longer feel my body. I just let go of everything, including awareness unfortunately, and let myself BE in the light. Not sure if this ended when another dream began or ended on awakening.
This light experience was had by Robert Waggoner as well, in a somewhat different way. I think I'll try seeking it out again sometime!![]()