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    LDs 6th Night of Comp.

    by , 08-24-2015 at 05:49 PM (836 Views)
    Still a little sick, but got enough sleep to make up for it and get me lucid!

    -Something tips me off while I'm alone in my house and I decide to do an RC, which makes me fully lucid. I go out the kitchen door and my recall ends there.

    -Same thing happens again: lucid in living room, RC, walk out kitchen door and everything ends.

    These two dreams make me think of a messed-up car trying to start, like the engine trying to turn over for a second then going caput lol. Or maybe a shitty electrical connection trying to light a bulb which flickers.. It's like the physical parts of me that help with lucidity are still getting over the sickness and it's making them "short out" lol

    -Lucid in my house again, another RC. I'm in my daughter's room with her and she's crying and it's hard not to be distracted, but I firmly remind myself she's a figment and turn to the window. I look out, focus on a tree far above and let myself be "pulled" out (phase). It's a nice, overcast day. I think of the Challenge task to go into a house in my neighborhood that I've never been in before. I've never been in any of them except my own, so I just look for one that looks nice. I fly over the neighborhood, scanning for something good. I finally see one, land and go inside. There's a bed in the front room that looks like somebody is in it. I rip the covers away and my old coworker R is there, giving me a mischievous grin like she was hiding from me in some kind of game. I say something to her that I can't remember, then continue exploring the house. She goes to the couch and sits there on her phone. I find her old boyfriend Cody in the next room and I hate him so I grab him off the couch and throw him to the side. Unfortunately as I turn, he's still there and just walks by me as if I never did anything. Everything in the house is much more clean and organized than I'd expect from R, tbh. I end up in a convo with R that turns me non-lucid and fuzzy for a while. Later on in the same house I get close to full lucidity again but don't think of any goals. For some reason I think to summon Co. I do so (I think I use the around a corner type thing?) and he follows me around and we talk as I try to find a good private place for us to get it on. Always people everywhere when that happens! Finally we find out that inside one of my living room chairs (at my house now, yes) has a PORTAL inside it under the cushion. So, with the help of some unknown person who's trying to keep others from following us (thank you SubC!), we get through the chair portal with much laughter and find ourselves in an old but clean bedroom, like at a granny's house. Co turns into C and we laugh and talk on the bed for a while, me now non-lucid.

    Not sure if the portal counts for anything, it just happened naturally so I guess I won't give myself any points for that
    EDIT: Nvm, totally taking it.

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    Updated 08-24-2015 at 09:17 PM by 72182

    Tags: competition


    1. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      Three lucid dreams, awesome! That must be really hard to ignore your daughter when she's crying in your dreams.
      You should totally have counted your teleport! Even if the portal just formed naturally, you still used it to teleport which doesn't happen naturally.
      imazu and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    2. imazu's Avatar
      Thanks! And yeah, it was a strong distraction. Hmmmmm... maybe I WILL count it.. *edits*
      AnotherDreamer and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      For sure, teleport should totally count!

      Congratulations on the lucids! Being sick is a real hassle when you're trying to focus on dream work, so congratulations on powering through all of that and still making your lucidity happen! Sounds like you had a nice little adventure in the end!
      imazu likes this.
    4. imazu's Avatar

      Yeah, sickness sucks for sure. Thanks mucho! And yeah, the end was quite fun!
      CanisLucidus likes this.