NLDs 1st Night of Comp.
, 08-18-2015 at 02:20 PM (576 Views)
-Shopping for Sims 4 CC online, picking out men's underwear in-game in CAS.
-Waiting outside church to go in, feel out of place, just here for a wedding in the family. Riding around parking lot in nice tall SUV with rich church people I don't really know, they're friendly though. Finally someone comes out and tells us they're running late but we can go ahead and come in. I see a little boy go in front of me, part of the family. The sky is overcast and it's humid and the church is out in the middle of some pretty, peaceful country. Inside, it turns into a movie party sleepover thing and the lights are mostly turned out. J & Sh are there and the three of us, plus some girl I don't know but I feel like I'm supposed to know, are in our pajamas. It's a bit cold though, so we have light jackets on over them. Mine feels bulkier than the others and I'm a little self conscious. A lady to my right, rich and churchy and a bit fat, starts talking to me and ends up showing me how to use a weird elastic neck brace. I know she has to use it because of poor health related to being overweight, but I avoid mention of that and just be polite. J walks to the other end of the room, probably to find the bathroom, and Sh joins in the conversation, which turns to the topic of health insurance. Sh says her dad still has her on the D1 plan or something. I laugh to myself in my head because she's older than me and far less independent. Irl my husband and I pay for everything we get.
-Something about being on an alien planet which is being invaded. The bad guys get the upper hand and take over completely, but they leave immediately and take all the stolen vehicles/technology with them (I guess to another planet). While they're gone, me and the remaining natives devise a plan which I don't really remember. I think we take everything they left over and build something awesomely powerful. I just know we're totally ready for them. Not long after, the baddies all come back, shocked to see all the scraps gone. We hit 'em while they're still shocked and it's a landslide victory for us!
-In a gym-like place, but it's really a big, tall carport with rubbery flooring beneath it. This carport is attached to a large, metal warehouse which seems to be kind of out in the country, or on the edges of things anyway. All the machines are crammed together, some actually tipped against one another. There are a handful of beefy dudes working out which I ignore. I'm here for my own workout. I try to get on a stair-stepper that's shoved between some other stuff, but it just starts to tip over so I spend my whole effort trying to keep it upright with just my legs. As I focus on this, the scene around me changes to a small, wood-shop-like room. There is a group of people around me, most younger than me, though I feel younger than irl. There's one guy who's in his 40s it seems and he's speaking to us as a group with a warm smile. It almost feels like youth group. There are tools and things hung all around the white walls and everyone sits in mismatched folding chairs. The speaker rests his arm on a wood-working table to his right. I'm still sitting on the freaking stair-stepper, which now has a seat, and I'm way higher than everyone else. Someone comments about how, "She's 5'9"!" (directed at me) and it seems to be a good thing because I guess we're going to be playing sports later on. I laugh and blush. I'm not really that tall irl btw.. lol.
-Watching some little cartoon with my little sisters. It's about a tall, bitter, unhappy lady with jet-black hair and pale skin. All of the girls around her are becoming "twitterpated" over the boys/men they like/love and she doesn't understand because she has no one like that, so she tries to undermine their relationships. At the end though, she meets a woman and falls in love and realizes that she's just like all the other girls and that it's okay to be "twitterpated" lol. I laugh at this and it gives me a happy feeling, but my sisters seem put-off, probably because their dad teaches them that being gay is wrong.. ugh. For those who don't know, "twitterpated" is a Disney ref. (Bambi) and basically means "head over heels"