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    NLDs 3rd Comp. Night

    by , 08-21-2015 at 03:10 PM (841 Views)
    Terrible night for sleep, my daughter is getting a cold D:
    Had so many sleep sessions, some were lucid but of course I don't recall those anymore because I was far too exhausted to record anything.. ugh.

    I remember 2 NLDs:

    -Hearing/Seeing a story about an eel who was adopted by a school of fish. The fish like to live at the surface of the water while the eel wants to live deep down in the dark. The fish always tell him it's not right and that he shouldn't, but one day he's just like, "Screw this, I'm going down there because that's the way it's supposed to be." As he goes, all the fish follow him deep deep down. And apparently later on this enables them to evolve in high-tech ways and they become a humanoid race (looking NOTHING like fish, all like human). I see a black ship rising to the surface of the water and the Asian/American looking guy piloting it is talking to another pilot on some kind of radio thing.

    -FA (I think?) that ends up with me inviting some DV people to my house. Two guys show up, one is CanisLucidus and the other might be Sensei?? The maybeSensei one is darker and skinnier while Canis is very normal looking. C comes home and is surprised and maybe a little put-off by the unexpected guests. I sit there talking (mainly with Canis) about how I just had a lucid dream about being a wolf and doing something odd. Canis and I share dreams of beings wolves. (I've never actually been a wolf in-dream.. that I know of)

    So that was cool! First time hanging out with a DV person in-dream.

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    1. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      I'm sorry your daughter is getting sick, I hope she feels better soon. Dreamer and I have been sick the last few days as well, it's so awful for dreaming. Poor Dreamer had a fever and slept 15 hours last night. I thought she might have been in a mini coma or something.

      That's cool that you had your first dream about hanging out with a DV person! I hear about those kind of dreams almost every morning from someone that shall remain nameless (Dreamer).

      I bet you'll have a ton of lucid dreams tonight!
      imazu and CanisLucidus like this.
    2. RelaxAndDream's Avatar
      too bad that sometimes RL interfere with the, at least for me, fragile topic lucid dreaming. but hey a cold dont seem that terrible and will go over too bad you dont remember your lucid but like anotherdreamer says you will have for sure a ton of lucids soon
      i think its cool that you met some DV member. i would love to do so too both in RL and in my Dreams
      imazu and CanisLucidus like this.
    3. imazu's Avatar
      Thanks for the well wishes and encouragement guys! Much appreciated
      Dreamer and I have been sick the last few days as well, it's so awful for dreaming. Poor Dreamer had a fever and slept 15 hours last night. I thought she might have been in a mini coma or something.
      Oh my goodness! Hopefully you both get better soon, fever is no fun :<
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      How cool! I'm so glad that we got to hang out and talk about dreaming and wolf dreams! :canislucidus: I always enjoy wolf dreams and have transformed into a wolf once in a lucid. This is the one... I wonder if this is one of the ones we talked about: I Am the Wolf - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I'm sorry that your little one wasn't feeling well. I hope that she gets better soon (or that she's already better!) and that you both get some nice rest!
      imazu likes this.
    5. imazu's Avatar
      Awesome That dream is great! haha.

      Thanks for the well wishes, she's doing better today
      CanisLucidus likes this.