Non-Lucid Nap
, 07-02-2015 at 05:50 PM (385 Views)
- Doing weird stretching maneuvers alongside my Dad in a severely cramped water tank; getting scared and claustrophobic. Talking about psychological "dream tests" involving my Dad and my old step-dad, B. We're in a small, white facility with a small crew of very nice professional people.
- At a drunk pool party at an old house with lots of people. The only person I know there is R, my old friend and coworker. Lots of insignificant stuff happens. The next morning I'm still wide awake ready to party and everyone else is either gone, passed out on couches or wandering around like hungover zombies. R wakes up and is mad at me for something I didn't actually do. She slaps me very gently, then gives me a hug. We sit down and I explain myself. She doesn't apologize for slapping me, which I think is rude. I leave and start down the road which is on a hill. I start jogging, trying to find R again now for some reason. I feel like we're playing tag or something. I suddenly realize I'm in the middle of a somber procession of sorts. There's an old man with a camera who is being very patient with me, telling me I need to leave and get out of the way in a very gentle tone. I can tell he is annoyed inside though, and rightfully so. I look at the field of grass along the road and see that there's a wedding going on. I run back up the hill and actually pass two guys riding bikes. One's a young shirtless redhead with an ugly-ish face and the other seems to be his dad. I can't help but giggle as I pass them up. The dad records this with his phone. As we top the hill, they pass me and turn left into a driveway. They go inside and I follow. I ask the dad to send the video to my phone, then remember I don't have one. I try to tell him C's number but things get confused and I never finish it.
- Messing with a "memorial" crime scene, then realize "these are pieces of evidence, what am I doing touching them!?!?" and run off.