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    Parasites AGAIN!

    by , 07-22-2015 at 07:15 PM (456 Views)
    Had another dream about the nasty parasites from my last entry..

    This time I'm getting out of bed (maybe a false awakening?) and notice my big toes feel funny, especially the left one. I look down and it is transforming into one of the parasites! I'm instantly freaked out of course. There are little legs coming off the sides and the end has a head protruding from it. As I walk into the living room each step brings pain from that toe and a tingly sensation from the other one. I sit down at the computer to look up what to do about it and as I glance again at my toe I notice my walking has crushed the head of the bug and its blood is pooling beneath my skin creating a big purple bubble of disgustingness. I'm almost relieved that it could possibly be dead, but horrified that there's a large dead bug INSIDE my freaking flesh, oozing its goop out everywhere. My other toe starts to have twinging pains in it and I think the second bug is growing in there.

    Bleeehhhhh so disgusting..

    Luckily I went on to have some DEILDs filled with adult fun. Definitely helped de-stress me! If I'd woken directly up from the parasite dream I'd probably be having a shitty day.. lol

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    non-lucid , nightmare
