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    Weird NLDs

    by , 07-12-2015 at 04:08 PM (437 Views)
    -seeing myself in a mirror with short hair like a few years ago, drinking dr.pepper while wearing my dr.pepper shirt; start to notice hair poking out above my shorts and I take off my shirt to find that my chest and belly are covered in thick, brown hair. I'm distraught, realizing I have more hair than most men. I can't freaking believe I didn't get lucid from this.. wtf lol

    -hanging out at my house with a group of cool people. I only recognize one, LC. We're all drinking alcohol and there are alcoholic cookies in the fridge. LC is eating a whole lot of them and asks me to get her some more. I end up forgetting about her and eating the rest of the cookies by myself in the kitchen.. lol. The cookies were star-shaped, really soft and sugary with a multicolored pattern and had little smiley faces made of black candy goop. I remember the flavor vividly, which is odd for a non-lucid for me.

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    Tags: taste
