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    Another Night: Best of Jabre's Dream Journal

    Camp Cult

    by , 05-01-2013 at 05:46 AM (807 Views)

    1. I sign up for a summer camp. I have a lot of fun there. At the first night, at the dining hall, some old-time members and counselors contemplate 'telling us...'

    I have no idea what this means. Then they talk about a curse or something to do with a dragon. Everybody leaves on the last day. The next year, I decide to return because I had a lot of fun. Students begin to die this time. It becomes a huge drama in the camp. One night, I sneak into another hall. There were no cabins, just one building that we would only leave twice at the camp. Outside, there was a basement underneath the grass, and a couple more buildings were on the property. I go back inside, but see something in one of the rooms. A student is murdered. I become panicked and scared; I don't even have time to mourn them. A blonde girl instructs the killing, but an old man (a camp counselor) seems to oversee it. I hide as they begin to talk.

    "We have to stop doing this," the camper says. There are about five people there.

    "You understand why we are, you know," the man says in response. I cannot guess why they are killing the students. I suspect that they killed all the others too, unlike what they stated. I go to bed, but I cannot sleep. My terror produces sweat on my sheets, and I get up. I sit on the floor and think, but I cannot settle my thoughts. This was only the beginning. The days go by, and more campers disappear. I shudder at where they might keep the bodies. I tell one student, but on the night before the last day, everybody knew of the crazy killer cult rumor. I attempt to get sleep, but chaos ensues. I sneak out the back, but I soon have to escape a stalker. Many people are killed, and students run out of the building frantically. Many campers kill each other; they were also a part of it. I run to the wooden theater, and there are children lying on the ground. A man is light matches and throwing gasoline. I scream, but the children don't realize what's happening. They open their eyes and realize their attacker. The campers get up and run to the exit, but the far left portion has been enflamed along with some of the burning kids. The fire spreads by each still live body, causing only a few to escape to safety by the doorway I am standing at. The wind pierces my back; I am outside. There are acres of isolation, I think, how will we ever get out of here? I go to the gate where a girl is.

    "Is that smoke I smell?" she says playfully. I ignore her.

    "Do you remember last year? They are insane. Call 911!" I say.

    "What? This is a nice camp, they aren't crazy..."

    "They are part of this cult- You don't understand because you didn't go this year- Just listen. Your brother is dying. Follow me!" I say to her. Her face explodes with worry. I take her to the burning theater and call her brother's name. He does not respond, indicating his death. The property is chaotic; the fire is spreading and death is a harbinger to everybody. The blonde girl tries to stab the girl I am leading to her brother. My friend runs far, and I lose her. I have no choice but to run in the opposite direction to avoid the killers. I am out of breath and am in the forest. I can hear screams, and there is blood on some of the trees. An hour later, I come back to the camp. I step behind a building and see my friend's body. I am struck by an angry, tragic sadness. I run from the killer girl. I find the hatch that leads to the basement in the forest while running through the darkness. I descend the steps but hear her quickly behind me. I find a closet and enter it. I hide behind it. The basement suddenly turns into the garage of my house, but I do not become lucid. In the closet of my garage, there is a door leading outside to the sidewalk that I can escape from. I hear the girl coming. She flings open the door and frantically swings her knife around. I kick the sealed door open and run into the streets, free into the morning dawn with the scene of the camp long gone.
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