LD #295: Taekwondo and Deadpool Clones
, 06-03-2016 at 03:44 PM (673 Views)
I started Taekwondo a little over five years ago. I did the same with proper lucid dreaming practice. And for anyone who reads my dream journal, they know that random martial arts fights break out. (Often with me a participant) The one thing setting this apart from other common themes is that the martial arts dreams (I use the term martial arts as a general term since some of the moves used are clearly not taekwondo) is that they are often tied to semi lucid or lucid dreams, while other dream themes. Space themed dreams, for instance, are almost always non-lucid.
I theorize that because I began lucid dreaming and taekwondo at the same time, Taekwondo became mixed up in that phase of heavy learning in the beginning with lucid dreaming, and is now pretty much a permanent aspect of semi-lucid and lucid dreams. Probably should feel happy that I hadn't started say, driver's ed at the same time I began lucid dreaming. Then my life would be a never-ending string of car-crash dreams.
I remember being on the main street of my town. We were under attack by deadpool clones. I think there were 6 or 7 of them, and they all had numbers on their foreheads. They were made by an evil comic book antagonist who was 'testing them out' on our town. I also remember there was a school bus loading up kids who wanted to take them away because deadpool was rated 'R'.
I reached into hyperspace and pulled out the anti-regeneration sword from the comic. (The one I saw on Death Battle) I started fighting them. I remember each of the deadpools had a different aspect of the deadpool amplified. One was super fast, one was super strong, one was extra crazy, etc. The one that was extra fast ran around me and there was a one punch man reference where he tried to kick me and I just held up my fist and his momentum carried his no-no zone into my fist. I think the dream even went as far as to show the 'technical difficulties' screen for a few moments afterward.
I recall at one point attempting to throw a lamp post at them, but super strength has never been my forte in dreams and when I tried to throw it it dropped before it made it to them.
But there was also logic that since they were aspects of the deadpool they all had 1/7th his intelligence of the original and were all as dumb as bricks. That's how I was able to beat them. I remember I got onto the last one who had a blue and black costume instead of red and black. He was supposedly the boss guy. He said something about chimichangas and pulled two burritos out of his pants. He bit two of them and spit out grenade pins then threw them at me. I dodged by hiding right next to my taekwondo studio. I distracted him with a poster of a naked woman that I pulled from hyperspace and threw my sword at him when he was distracted.
He didn't die though, he just became neutral and stopped attacking, and seemed completely uninjured. He made some kind of fourth wall joke, but in the dream that translated into saying something about the dream and making me lucid. (I had already been semi lucid.)
I remember blue deadpool walked off. I was standing outside the taekwondo studio. (I think it was on the wrong side of the street though.) I was lucid, but I was in a bit of a daze. I didn't know quite where I wanted to go with it since I wasn't expecting to be lucid. There were a few people standing outside waiting to be let in, none of whom I recognized from WL. One of them was this really old lady who was only about 4 feet tall and hunched over on a cane. She had a white belt uniform and she said that it was sparring class today, me vs her. It seemed like she was so old and frail she shouldn't be able to lift her leg to kick, but I could tell something was about to happen.
Sure enough, her opening move was to leap several feet into the air (additional note: dream martial arts usually seem flashy and impractical. If you've ever heard someone say that the martial arts in movies are flashy and impractical to make for a good film, well those also seem to be the moves that are used in dreams. Probably because dreams are a visual representation of a conflict or aspect of yourself, like a movie. They're not meant to be like waking life. But I just punched deadpool in the groin, and distracted another with a pin-up poster. Who am I to talk about this.) and attack me with a bunch of kicks. I blocked all of them.
Me: [I knew it. A trick!]
Her: [Hmph! Everyone I know falls for that.]
Me: [I haven't been around as long as you, but I'm no fool.]
She kept attacking me. I played defensive, waiting for her to make a mistake, leave an opening, or just get tired, but she wouldn't have it. I tried going outside her range, but she was too quick to close the gap. Eventually I saw her let up. Jumping snap kick threw her through a loop and tagged her chest. She jumped back.
Me: [I can't believe someone as good as her fell for that old trick.]
Her: [This is the same one who *garbled* Jonathan. Shouldn't have placed my expectations so low.]
I tried to put my foot down. I could tell the fight wasn't over and might have escalated from simple martial arts to including dream powers. But for some reason my right leg was stuck to my pant leg in a weird dreamlike way that left it bent and I was stuck standing on one foot.
Her: [Well put your foot down! Fighting Stance, let's go.]
Me: [I can't... well... this is embarrassing.]
She came over and helped me by putting a magical golden paperclip on my pant leg that would supposedly stop that from ever happening again. I guess the fight was over.
She said something and the dream scene shifted to the beach from my first lucid dream. The old woman said something about reconnecting with the past. I lost the dream the moment after we transitioned and woke up.