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    Magic Gerbils (Mini WBTB)

    by , 03-16-2015 at 01:35 PM (714 Views)
    Bedtime: 12:00 (Got in bed at 10:00, wrote in my waking journal for 2 hours. I had a lot to talk about.) I'm also a little bit sick.

    I had a long nonlucid dream. I have no memory of what it was about.


    I had a terrarium where my drawing board is in my room. In it were three magic gerbils. One was pink, one was indigo-ish blue and one was bluish green. They could talk in these high squeaky voices and were as intelligent as any human. They had this little symbol on their side. They kind of reminded me of the likes of My Little Pony or Care Bears or something.

    And while having these guys around, at first glance sounds girly and stupid, they were actually pretty handy to have around. They granted me special powers, and were actually pretty reliable friends.

    I was in the kitchen having breakfast. Since the gerbils were magic and intelligent they could come out of their cage and I could rely on them to run away or something. They would regularly come outside the cage whenever I wasn't sleeping. A government agent jumped out and grabbed me from behind. Another one grabbed the three gerbils and put them into a cage. He started to carry them off.

    "Help us, Jade!"

    The government agent was trying to hold me still while they took the gerbils away. I tried to elbow him but it didn't do much. He just adjusted his grip and held that arm so that I couldn't move it.

    I then thought about martial arts movies and how sometimes they can kick the bad guy over your shoulder if you kick really high. I decided to try that move even though IWL I can't do it. It worked and I knocked the guy out. I ran outside and saw the guy carrying the gerbils, in a cage to the car. I ran up behind him and kicked him in the back. He dropped the glass cage, that broke and the gerbils ran out.

    I forgot that they wouldn't run away, and tried to scoop them up with a cup that I found in the garage. Another government agent showed up and tried to grab me. I dropped the cup in surprise and it broke. The gerbils run out.

    "Don't worry about us! Stop them!"

    The three ran off as a group and went into a hole in the outside of the house. I moved into the uppercut agent. He had a Taser and tried to shock me. I ducked under his arm and elbowed him in the back. He fell over and hit his head on the hood of my mom's car.

    I then saw a fancy old white car pull up and a really old man with a top hat got out. As he got out, I was trying to figure out what this situation was, and remembered that just a few minutes ago,
    I was trying to WBTB. I became fully lucid. I knew that he was the leader of the government agents and I was going to have to fight him.

    I started to walk toward him. He started to walk toward me and took of his jacket to reveal very muscular looking arms.

    "Mr. Free, come to finish this once and for all, have you?" (wat?)

    We kept walking right into close range. He gave a telegraphed punch. I swept into the ground dodging him and picked up a piece of ice off the sidewalk. When He turned around, I threw it in his face.


    He tried to kick at me in close range. I stepped back. He threw another kick, roundhouse this time. I ducked under it and kept moving back. I then jumped back, but before hitting the ground, boosted myself forward with my flying technique and kicked him with both legs. He tried to block but staggered back almost to his fancy white car. I moved in and kicked him in the solar plexus.

    I woke up and my right leg was straight up to the ceiling. I guess my Taekwondo classes don't mesh perfectly with lucid dreaming after all.

    And the reason that I say this was a mini WBTB was that the last time I looked at the clock was 7:33, and it was now 7:42. Meanting that the whole dream took less than 10 minutes.

    I really think that pairing WBTB with MILD is the way to go from here. I've had so much success in such a short time-frame.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    Updated 03-16-2015 at 05:03 PM by 53527

    lucid , non-lucid


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      This dream was so entertaining to read. >w< As i pictured it in my mind it seemed as if i was watching a short film.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      This dream was so entertaining to read. >w< As i pictured it in my mind it seemed as if i was watching a short film.
      Thanks. Don't know if that was because I've written 800+ DJ entries in my lifetime and had a lot of practice or just because it was a very fun little lucid dream. Maybe a little both.
      DawnEye11 likes this.