DJ of lucid goals and how it goes
DJ of lucid goals and how it goes
My goal with this journal is to get a better dream memory and help me focus on the things I want to dream about. I think this will help me remember my goals when I become lucid. Here are my lucid goals. After every goal I have a journal about how my progress is going.
1. Develop a habit to always start my lucidity with meditation and ponder, try to remember how the dream started if it was DILD. Make a plan what I am going to do in this dream and reflect about these goals.
2020-05-19 I realized the dream just started by trying to remember how it started. I was about to plan what I would do but woke up.
2. Get massage
2020-04-07 I got massage but it was not pleasant at all. It felt like he was pinching me and it actually hurt.
3. Get a dream palace that I know every detail about
4. Make my own box with all my lucid tools that always are in my pocket, for now I want it to include: a DC phone that can reach all my DCs with.
5. Create some permanent DCs that I can always reach with my DC phone.
6. Play on a guitar. Can the dream really make it feel realistic when it can't even render my fingers correctly?