flushing toothbrush down the toilet. Fight as superman.
, 05-30-2021 at 04:17 PM (340 Views)
I'm at a house I don't recognize and about to trash my toothbrush. I see a toilet and flush the toothbrush down. I think about how it was stupid of me and I wonder why I did it instead of using the trash can. Some old people are present too.
Notes: I didn't find my toothbrush at first last night.
I got superpowers and fight three bad guys that also have superpowers but I'm stronger than them. We fly in the air as we fight. A color theme of red is present on everyones' outfits. One of them got really big arms and block my hits. One is really fast and the third one is also good at something specific. We fight by the exit route and we destroy a lot of things as we fight.
Notes: I played a lot of volleyball yesterday which I think triggered this dream.