Memorable Dreams
The environment is dark colored and I'm with a party of grown ups. I'm able to choose a companion that will help me out and I scroll through the selections. They are all grey looking and pretty boring but with different shapes. One is formed as an egg, one is a bit scary, one is looking very tired. I look at about 15 of them until I am interupted. A party member's zombie is eating her up. The zombie is streching its mouth really much so that the whole head fits in its mouth. I'm in my brother's bed and I'm sick. Every time I breathe out a green round rubbery candy with white powder on it rolls out. Some older people from the last dream walks in. They are telling me I have some kind of disease and they seem a bit disgusted. I taste one of the candies and they are pretty good. Notes: I hid in my brother's bed yesterday. I notice it's a dream and fly up. I hit a cloud wall and fly through it. I keep on flying and hit another cloud wall. I keep on flying and see the third cloud wall but the dream becomes unstable and I can't remain.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:13 AM by 97565
Notes: I woke up in the night and remembered the lucid and another dream. But then I forgot it when I woke up because I didn't write it down. I thought that I would remember it. From now on I'm going to suppose that all the dreams that I don't write down I will forget. Then I will probably write them down because I think my dreams are precious. I'm walking out of Det Röda Huset and I'm under the tree. I'm lucid and know it's a dream. I lie on my back and hover over the ground backwards. The apple tree is big and prominent. The sky is purple with different layers of clouds, some of them are getting thinner and dissolving into purpleness. The quiet atmosphere is blissful and I am truly without a worry in the world. I think about how this is a dream. I imagine my real body lying in my bed and I see my sleeping face in the dream. I wonder what I want to do and fly up. I see a house with a window. I know there is someone inside so I try to break the window (my normal entrance into houses) but it's not working properly. It gets cracks but not enough. A big lady comes out from the door and tries to catch me. I lose my lucidity in the chase and I can't remember more. Notes: I've been under that tree in really many dreams now. I am often lucid when I see it. I always get beautiful experiences when I'm lucid in Sturkö, it is an amazing place with many precious memories. I'm walking in school and go to the guitar place. I want to see if the guitar is there. It is lying on the floor and I am feeling happy and relieved. Upon further inspectation I notice that the neck of the guitar is really thick. It is a steel-string acoustic guitar and I wonder why it got a thicker neck than a nylon-string guitar. Notes: The school's public guitar has been missing for some days now and I often go and check if it has returned. Someone probably stole it or broke it which is sad because I really liked it.
Updated 11-11-2020 at 11:08 AM by 97565
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid I had a normal night's sleep and dreamed some dreams. I woke up about 07.20 and thought about how I normally have lucids when I re-sleep in the morning. I thought that I can sleep how long I want because I have no school until afternoon. I re-slept and had a lucid, woke up and repeated this until I couldn't sleep anymore. I didn't write these in my tag book because I wanted to immediately re-sleep. Each lucid was maybe five minutes each. I forgot to stabilize all of them and think that made them so short and many of them were not realistic. I am by my home and want to fly to Hemköp. I do so and it goes pretty slowly. I see Hemköp but it isn't Hemköp anymore. It's a maid-shop were all these maids fixed different things. I woke up and re-entered the same dream from the start. I am by my home again and decides to go to Hemköp again. I fly there but this time I'm able to fly much faster and I do. I walk into the shop and talk with some maids. I'm by the woods and the dream doesn't feel real at all (I realize now that I needed to stabilize it). I fly but hear no sounds. I think it's weird so I talk out loud and hear my voice. After a time of flying I hear some birds and I'm relieved that there are sounds in this dream. I land and try to summon a fire in my hand but it fails. I think there is a fire but I can't see it because of the bright light from the sun. I'm in a house and see a boy about my age. I ask for his name and he replies that he is Julius. I see a small girl that is about 9 years old and ask her for her name. I'm in a classroom and my swedish teacher is there teaching but she doesn't look like the real swedish teacher. This one is older and bigger. I'm in a house with a girl and we talk. Well this was an experience. I wonder if I could have made all of these small dreams into maybe two big dreams with practice. That would be much better. I'm not sure if these were WILD dreams but some of them were I think. I think there were some more dreams but I can't remember them. Here is the dream I dreamed before I woke up 07.20. I'm downstairs and see a broken sandwich by the counter. I think it's a dream so I do my RC but it fails.
Updated 09-02-2020 at 10:02 AM by 97565
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid I'm next to the corner to the main street next to my house. I realize it's a dream and remember my goal about finding an avatar bending master that can teach me how to always be able to do all kinds of bending in my dreams. I see a weird person in front of me and scream out. "You are the mastere, teach me!". I don't get a clear answer and I try to summon some fire. I succed but it's only a very small fire in my hand. I remember it was a very long lucid, or it was two different dreams. In this next part I was also lucid. I'm flying and suddenly I'm next to my house. I see that it's a nice looking sky and decide to just take a good seat and spectate this amazing view. I fly up on my roof and find a perfect position where I see the sun glowing really cool. It's all beautiful and suddenly three doves come flying. I decide to feed them. I fly next to them and they first fly away but when I take the seeds they fly into my hands. It's a good feeling as I feel the birds against my hands. Notes: I know there was so much more to the dreams but I don't remember. I love birds and they are one of my dream signs.
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid Just read the red text if you want to read about my new flying technique. I'm playing football on my old school's football field. I'm the goalkeeper. I'm playing and running up with the ball even tough I'm the goalkeeper. There is a corner-kick and I grab the ball directly. There is another corner and when I try to kick the ball away it doesn't go far away at all, about 5 meters. One of my teammates kicks the ball far away. Me and my team are playing basketball against a colored team. I'm the goalkeeper and we have a small football goal instead of a basket. Each time I get the ball I try to throw it directly into the other team's basket from our goal. Every time I throw the ball, it would hit the basket if I threw twice as hard (the ball is in the right direction). I run up with the ball alone and try to dribble them and succeed with some of the dribbles. When I throw the ball it's disappointing. I can't throw hard enough, even if I try to with all my strength it won't reach their basket. I have a grudge against one of the other team's player. In the last part of the match the other team kicks the basketball and it goes really fast into our goal. I think they should not kick the basketball. I wake up in my parents' bed and think about whether this is a dream or not. I pinch my nose and try to breath in. I manage to breath in but I have all this mucus in my nose so I blame the mucus that I'm able to breath in. I try to pinch my finger through my palm but it doesn't work. I try to fly a little bit but it doesn't work. I walk to the garden and my older sister and Therese are there. There are many flowers in different shapes and colors, I remember the color pink mostly. Therese says that flowers can be created by humans and that every human got their own color. The color the human owns determines the color of the flowers that the human can create. Me and my older sister says to Therese that humans can't create flowers and she agrees with us. I go to the kitchen and cook some hamburgers. The person I disliked from the basket comes into the kitchen but in another human shape. Now he's blonde and good looking instead of dark colored and afro hair. I start to wrestle him and sit on his leg in a way that it hurts much. He resists me and we stop. I look on the hamburgers and there is only one hamburger in the frying pan. There are two more hamburgers next to the frying pan on some paper. I'm about to put them on when the blonde suddenly throws the hamburger in the frying pan onto the ceiling. My dad is in the other room and I tell him about the blonde who ruined our dinner. Dad says that it's my own fault. I go away and think to myself. "This would never happen in real life!". I realize this would never happen in real life and that it's a dream. I go outside and fly out of the gate. I always have to jump a little bit so I get power to start flying. I fly over a city I have never been in before. I remember my goal about creating fire in my hands. I hold my hands in front of me as I fly and do a quick hand motion and expect there to be fire. There are bright orange flames over my fingers and I'm excited that it worked so well. I feel my speed increase as I have fire over me. I'm on the ground again. I think about combining my flying power and fire power. The results are astounding. As told before, I always have to jump or fall from a tall place to get the power to fly and it goes really slow when I start flying. This time I took some power from the ground and jumped as I called the flames. I burst into the air with incredible speed! I'm so happy and think about what more elements I could use to increase my powers. I think about water and try to call water as I accelerate some more. There is a water wave splashing around me as I call the water and get increased flight speed. There are water over my fingers and I become a different person. There is a big fire monster by a burning building by the water. I become a giant woman (not intentionally) that is made out of water and extinguish the fire monster and the flames. Suddenly I become another giant person and I'm holding the water woman in my arms and I think she is cute. I think to myself: "How could anyone ever want this moment to disappear". I just hold her for a while and then I decide that this moment has come to an end. I become the water woman again (not intentionally) and decided to transform to my normal form again. The view changes to third person from 50 meters away and I become a giant naked woman with some water goggles on instead. The dream fades slowly and I come to my human body. I feel how relaxed my body is and I try to reenter the dream but realize I'm not sleepy. Notes: Two days ago I watched a series about football. That's why I dreamt about football. Yesterday I heard someone say that everyone has a natural color to their hair. That's why I dreamt the flower part.
Updated 06-23-2020 at 11:17 AM by 97565
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid I'm in a big room without ends. I am there with William, Rolf, Simon and some other people I can't recall. The floor is bouncy and we have a competition who can make the best flips. There is a pit we compete in and some kind of electronic device who is judging our flips. I am really good and get 0.27 better score than William. Rolf is almost out of his mind talking out loud how someone can be as good as I am. Later on the floor is not as bouncy. I walk into my brother's room and it's chaos. His mattress is laying sideways, leaning on the the bed up against the roof. I lay on the bed and realize it's a dream. I walk up to the dinner room and do my RC but I'm not sure if it's a dream so I have to do it three times to be sure. I walk outside and as I do the dream fades. I stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together and against my face. It works. I walk to the sheds and notice that one of them is open. I look in and see a small TV-screen that plays a childrens' movie about birds. It's one of those we had attached to the car when I was small so we could watch on movies on long trips. When I look towards the other side I see a really big, orange field mouse. It's bigger than my hand, but it's not afraid, only curious of me. I suddenly wonder what I should do in the dream and remember my dreaming goals. I try to remember how the dream started but it's really hard. I think it started with me walking into my little brother's room. I don't have any will to fly or anything so I just sit on the ground to meditate. As I sit down the dream fades and I feel my real body little by little. I have never exited a dream to the real life that smoothly. I wake up in my room and do my RC. Yes! It's a dream. I go to the window and open it. But as I open the window I suddenly fall to the left side and then to right side. My balance is letting me down. I manage to climb the window. I'm not sure it's a dream anymore and think to myself that I am going to die if I jump out of the window in real life. I do my RC and am now sure that it's a dream. I fly out of the window and decide that I will practice my flying this time. I fly to the left but instead of flying forward I fly up. I can't control my flying. There is another person flying and she is really old. I inspect her and suddenly she flies backwards. I can't control my flying and I also fly backwards, then forward, then backwards etc. It's smooth and I realize I fall like a leaf from a tree. From side to side. The old lady did the same. When we land on the ground I speak with the old woman, asking her if she wants to hang out. She denies. A girl in my age comes and I ask her if she wants to hang out. She says yes, but as she does, the old woman interrupts and says that she wants to hang out with me. I know that she did so because she is jealous of the young woman. I say okey and we walk the city. I get lost in the dreaming story and lose my lucidity As I and the old woman walk there is another old woman. We say hi and ask if she wants to join us. There are now two old women walking next to me. As we walk over the first pedestrian crossing to Hemmakväll from our house there is another old woman that joins us. The dream suddenly dissapears My dreams usually fade away and I can't recall a single time a dream has ended that abruptly. I don't know where the next dream started but I know I was lucid and remembered to test out the teleportation through mirror skill. I'm outside my house and I try to summon a mirror. It comes up in an instant and I see my room through the mirror. I jump into the mirror, afraid that I won't come through if I don't use force. It succeeded! I teleportated into my room! I am really happy. I don't remember how the dream ended. Possible recurring elements: Freerunning, cousins, my brother and chaos, TV-screens, vermins. Notes: I sometimes do flips and I had weekly freerunning practice before. The floor in the first dream almost was like the floor in the practice hall but thinner and didn't sound when you jumped on it. I don't want my dreams to boost my ego by putting DCs who say I am incredible. I feel a little bit stupid and almost like it is I who wants to be acknowledged and that it is why the dream did that. Me and my mom talked about acknowleding other people yesterday. Maybe that is the explanation to the dream, and that freerunning is my most safty bet how to get acknowledged. Wow, I would have never got that insight if I didn't write like this. I now realized that freerunning is the easiest way to get people to say "wow" and get people to notice me. My brother's life is in chaos and I think that his badly cleaned room was a sign of that. I will try to help him fix his life more activly now. I should always start my lucidity with trying to sense if the dream needs stabilization. By doing so I can have longer and more realistic dreams. The field mouse was there because we have recently got rats in our house. Now when I think about it the field mouse standed right next to one of the rat traps on our site. But the rat trap was not in the dream. I wonder why I didn't want to fly in the first lucid dream. I always love to fly in my dreams. I think I dreamt about the old ladies because yesterday Monica and Klaus were here. They talked with me and my parents about old people.
Updated 05-24-2020 at 08:27 AM by 97565
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid Me and my dad went camping yesterday and it was pretty cold so I had a hard time sleeping and woke up pretty often. I wake up and feel pretty normal, suddenly a huge pain in my back arises but it's more like an itch amplified by a thousand. Of course I want to scratch it but my arm won't move, my mind tells me that my dad is 100% sitting on me. Suddenly I can move and scratch my back and my dad is sleeping next to me, he was never sitting on me. It almost felt like a nightmare were you can't run properly, but I wasn't asleep. I have no idéa if it was a SP. I wake up later in the night and have another scary experience. Suddenly it's like I can not breath, suddenly I can breath again and I really gasp after air at first. Later in the night I have a dream. I'm in an old shack in the woods, I remember my cousins are there. I am being hunted by a big unnatural man with a scary army of unnatural people. I see the army and my hunter through the window. I try to escape the shack but my 6 year old cousin hits me with a toy and I am for some reason playing with his game and childishly I pretend that I faint. I am being taken by my hunter. I don't remember more even though I am sure there was more to the dream. Possible recurring elements: My best cousins. Notes: Because I slept in the woods the dream was in the woods. Today we will have a birthday party with my best cousins, probably that's why they were in the dream.
Updated 05-10-2020 at 03:56 PM by 97565