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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. A vivid af lucid dream

      by , 12-02-2018 at 06:08 PM
      Notes: sooo I haven't gotten lucid for some time now, even though I thought I was coming closer and closer to a more consistent induction technique other than dild..... well tonight I got lucid using dild.... a lucid dream I said a lucid dream I guess lol

      Dream: the dream kinda started out in a climbing gym. I had been working (route setting) for the competition that was taking place in the gym. I remember a ton of my friends participating in the competition.
      Some time later, I find my self in a car. I was driving towards a town or something. (In real life i often RC while in my car , since I spend a lot of time driving. I often also think about what I would do if the RC would work some time lol). I RCed, since that what I normally do in my car. I didn't think much of the result of the RC. Ohh wait, didn't that RC just work??? I tried again and felt the air going through my nose (I did the nose plug RC). i got lucid!! (In waking life, I often thought that if I got lucid while driving, I would fly through the windshield or crash the car on purpose, just for the lolz) I though about flying, but didn't want to lol. So I parked the car. I actually just pulled the handbrake in the middle of the road hehe. I opened the car door and noticed I had my seatbelt on.i tried phasing through it. But it didn't work, so I just clicked my self out lol. I kept reminding myself that this was a dream, and rced a couple of times. I walked a minute or 2, towards this big house. (In my previous lucid dreams, the gravity has been weird, however in this one it was just as in waking life. Nice). I opened the front door of the house I was walking towards, and saw a big mirror in the entrance. I looked into the mirror to get a glimpse of my own reflection. I was wearing some kind of post apocalyptic clothes. And also I was wearing a fly mask / gas mask thing, and glasses. I couldn't feel all these head accessories on my face, so I just lolled and went into the next room. There were 2 dream characters in there. A woman with blond hair, and a girl with brown skin and hair. I said hi, and they said hi back. I went upstairs. And I woke up.......
      I rolled over on my left side, picked up my pen and dream journal and wanted to write down the lucid dream I just had. But I couldn't remember the dream I had had before the lucid dream. Wait.... the dream before my lucid dream, was SOOOOO vivid. I should be able to remember that dream lol... I woke up, rolled over on my left side, picked up my dream journal and wanted to write the lucid dream I just had... WAIT.... didn't I just do this??? Hahahha the FA got me good this time....

      Normally I tend to catch on to the FAs... but this time I didn't lol.
    2. Lucid from FA

      by , 11-25-2018 at 09:37 AM
      Notes: tonight was pretty great. I had about 5 really vivid dreams, including a FA where I got lucid. After starting popping some B6 vitamins, the vividness of my dreams realy seems to have increased. Might be the B6 working, or it might be random I dunno. I know I'm gonna keep popping em 🤣

      Dream: I remember waking up from a dream. My wife was still laying in bed, but she acted a bit weird. Ohh well I got up to go to the bathroom. As I was passing the front door, I saw I wasnt locked. I remember I locked the door before going to bed, so I RCed. I instantly got lucid! Well that was easy I thought to myself 🤣 I went into the living room and wanted to walk through the window, so I could get outside. I kinda got stuck in the window hehehe..... . My wife (in real life) turned around in bed, and she bumped into me, so I woke up......

      Dang it!!! The lucid dream felt soooo vivid. And it felt really stable too. And also, the gravity in the dream seemed normal. That would have been fun to work with.. ohh well, I'll get em tomorrow.
    3. Lucid using my own induction technique?!

      by , 11-21-2018 at 06:10 AM
      I got lucid tonight, using my new induction technique!!!
      Last time I got lucid, I kinda joltet my self into a false awakening. It worked last time, but I couldn't remember the dream before I got lucid. Well tonight I do!! I went to sleep with the intention of recognizing the feeling I have BEFORE I wake up, and then force a false awakening.

      I had a dream where I was fighting with my wife. I ended up going to sleep. The dream started at a party (goth themed apparently..) after the party on my way home, I was walking through a random neighborhood. I remembered I had to be ready for the waking up feeling, since this was a dream. I recognized the dream feeling and BAM, I got lucid. I Raced for good measure, and sure enough I was in a dream. I wanted to do something weird, Soni tried spewing fire. I couldn't do it.... Ohh well. I remembered I wanted to try some physical training in my dreams. So I tried doing fibgerstrenght training (for rock climbing). The gravity was not normal, so I couldn't even hang from my fingertips.... Well I tried. I tried jumping, shooting webs and running. Everything was super hard, since the gravity weird.. I woke up after, what seemed like a couple of minutes.

      My intensions ledr to me actually becoming lucid. So my induction technique kinda worked? Buuuuttttt.... I'm back to working with the gravity and basic dream control shit.... I'll get the....
    4. Lucid twice in one night!! Leeets goooooo

      by , 11-18-2018 at 10:52 AM
      Ok.... So it's been a week or two since I wrote my last lucid dream on here. Since then I have been focusing on dream awareness, recall and vividness. I have been keeping a physical dream journal where I write notes about my dreams. And ONLY notes. Maybe only 2 sentences per dream. However I think my dreams through in detail after each dream. My dreams have gotten more vivid these last couple of weeks, so that's a good thing, since I think vividness will lead to better awareness, which then will lead to one self easier recognizing the dream state.
      On to the dreams!!! And by the way, I'm not gonna write then content of the dreams, only the details on how I got lucid and stabilized and so on.

      Well first dream was weird. I was watching something on my I pad in bed. I got emmersed in the content of the thing I was watching, and suddenly the content of the film was my reality. I couldn't feel the body I was just in. This weird feeling made me reality check, and I got lucid. I don't know how I reality checked, since I didn't have a body... Well I got lucid, and tried to control one of the characters in the movie I was watching. THE INSTANT a thought popped into my mind, the male character in the dream acted out the thought. Weird feeling, but I kept going. I got too emersed in the dream content and lost lucidity.... The second I lost lucidity I woke up...
      Interesting dream. I have never never NOT had a body while still being lucid. Well I need figure out how to stay in the dream and keep lucidity. In the past I kinda madenit a habit to just flow with the dream, however now it seems I lose lucidity when doing so, because I tend to get too emersed in the dream content. I went back to sleep with the intention of forcing a false awakening when I feel like I'm about to wake up. This has, in the past, helped me stay in the dream instead of waking up.

      Next dream!!!
      I can't remember the dream it self, however I remember the feeling of being just about to wake up. The second I felt that feeling, I forced a false awakening!!! (The way I do this is as following. Just before waking up from the dream, I tend to get one certain feeling. It kinda feels like I'm in the dream world, but I can vaguely feel my real body in my bed. Normally this indicates that the dream in unstable, and I'm about to wake up. In the past I have ALWAYS woken up after this feeling, so I wanted to figure out a solution to this. I came up with forcing a FA!! And for me, it works wonders!! When getting the feeling of waking up , I instantly sit up in my bed. I see it like forcing my self to instantly wake up. This night I kinda joltet myself awake) I woke up in my bed. RCed, and as always I was still in a dream!!! Success!!!!! The content of the dream is irrelevant. But they say I woke up was not. Yet again I got too emersed in the dream content, and lost lucidity and instantly woke up.

      SUCCESS!!!! The most important thing for me was that I got my old technique of forcing an FA to work!!!! I'll keep working on that technique and I'll keep notes of how I'm doing.

      The lucid dreams where in the timeframe 04:00-07:00.
      I drank applecider a couple hours before going to sleep.
    5. Zombie slashing and a quick lucid

      by , 11-04-2018 at 04:36 PM
      I'm kinda planning on not writing my non lucid dreams I this journal, but since I had 2 dreams tonight where one of them was a lucid, I'll put both in here.
      However, I did not write these 2 dreams down during the night, so I'll only put in some notes here.

      First dream, I was in a Arabic like city. I was traveling with a friend, and we were exploring the city. Suddenly we hear evacuation sounds, and people start fleeing. It turns out there was a zombie outbreak. I forgot something in a car, so I went to grab it. However the zombies caught up to me. Suddenly 3 super zombies appeared. The were wealding swords, and ran a sword fast as humans. I ran away, but one of the zombies eventually caught up with me, and slashed me up. I woke up.... awwwww

      The second dream I can't remember so well. However I remember how I got lucid. I was walking up some appartement stairs, and couldn't find the flat I was looking for. I randomly became lucid, since I knew I could just open a random door and it would lead me to where I wanted to go. I opened the door closest to me, and entered. I started feeling my real body, in my bed. I tried forcing a false awakening (I have had good experiences with forcing a false awakening when the lucid dream becomes unstable). However I just woke up.. my body felt heavy and it felt unreal. However I didn't bother RC..... was this really not a false awakening.. hmmmmm