My dream opens up with me playing football in my living room. I keep going out for passes but dropping them. Finally I demand one grown to me and I go up for it and get destroyed but almost catch it.
I dreamt that Leah and i were hanging out in our house when Caleb and Sasha came over. For some reason when they knocked Marc answered and told them I busy. I ran past him and let them in.
Immediately i could tell something was wrong. Caleb looked agitated. He asked me immediately why I hadn't been taking his companies phone calls or emails or paying my bill on the new grill I bought. I told him I hadn't bought one and that I don't know what he's talking about. He seems reluctant to believe me but he eventually seems to. Sasha leaves and I head back to the bedroom to explain to Leah what happened. Caleb says he is going to use our restroom but I don't hear or I ignore him.
So then for some reason I start explaining to Leah the issue and that something is very wrong. I'm suspicious of Caleb and I tell her so, loudly. I hear the bathroom toilet flush and curse at myself thinking he may have heard me. So I walk out to the living room with a small bat in my hands and nonchalantly confront him. He ends up leaving but I know it isn't for good.
And then I know that I have to do something. Some sort of test or the consequences will be terrible. Leah walks into the dining room and sits on the floor only to cut herself on a toothpick. She insists it's no big deal.
There's a dream time jump and suddenly I'm with a group of people but I know we are in the alternate world. I know that while here we have to perform a certain number of tasks before we head back. If we head back without finishing them then people will die. One of these tasks is for a man to slowly flip cards on a wall. I watch as he does it and I'm struck by a flash of images. In an other world every time a cars flips this demon gets stronger. I demand he flip them back. As he flips them back the images flash again but it's of the demon turning less and less dangerous.
I then turn around to keep track of the other people with me and it's then that I realize the double edge sword of having more allies with me. With more people there's a better chance of failure. While I'm looking around I'm trying to keep track of where Caleb is. I'm sure he has something to do with everything going on.
For some reason I'm holding a saber and I realize that it truly isn't real so I set it aside. I see a scimitar hanging in the air and I snag it. It feels pleasantly heavy. Real. I put it through my belt loop and continue my rounds. I return back to this big conference room and ask of everyone if they are ready and absolutely positive they finished their tasks. I'm sweating and freaking out but everyone says yes.
And then Mike and I are pulling up to Kyles house. He is the drummer for SIB. I pull into a gravel road that splits the collection of houses down the middle. It's dark out. The lights are on in the house but something feels off so Mike agrees to go check it out while I wait in the car. He does. I wake up.