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    Facebook, The Legend of Korra, and Jack's Diddy From 1589

    by , 01-14-2015 at 09:41 PM (627 Views)
    Notes Dream Semilucid
    Dream shift: ####################

    I attempted a WILD, but gave up since I was too tired. I went to sleep and had this semilucid dream:
    I began by doing something I don't remember (Woke up late, no time to write) When I asked myself: Am I dreaming?
    I was no longer lucid, and was in front of a frameless computer monitor. The full screen was taken up by Jacksepticeye, with the exception of a Facebook chat menu in the bottom right corner with a black box where the chatbox should be. I feel that I want to leave the page to watch some of season 2 of "The Legend of Korra", and in my mind I see a FM of an episode of it; this was an episode generated by my mind in a previous dream. Before I can do this, a video of a teenage girl (about 15) appears in the black box. She and Jacksepticeye are talking with a conversation I cannot recall, before the box goes black again and Jack seems extremely overly-happy, exclaiming that the chat is "so fun" and the people on it are "really nice". 2 identical kids, about 12 or 13, appear in the box. Jack suddenly exclaims "Let me sing a little diddy i know from the year'of 15 of 8 9. At this point, I get up out of my seat, but still try to listen to the "diddy" (which is more of a sort of classical love song) when I suddenly think: wasn't I dreaming?

    I wake up.
    JadeGreen likes this.

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