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    Comp Day 1

    by , 09-02-2023 at 03:47 PM (145 Views)
    Great start!

    Dream 1: I had a lucid but it was pretty railed, Was driving somewhere when my car almost goes head on with a truck but I kinda just walk away from it. I did some stuff with a friend and then I was rick grimes from the walking dead, trying to convince hershel to come back to the farm (which I’m doing in a subway instead of a bar). He agrees and me, carl, and hershel are out when a car hits me completely head on and I roll over. Wake up at a gas station when I try to imagine this whole scenario as a meme, and then drive away before going to a barber. He tells me that he got a note from Koschei saying “sorry for hitting your car”. Koschei is a PR character so I get lucid, I ask him where I can find her but he says he knows nothing else so I go away but lose lucidity. Teleporting to a house where the truck guy who isn’t Koschei apologizes, and I wake up.

    Dream 2: Not lucid this time. Was driving to Oregon with a family member where I was describing the last LD, and later woke up.
    Saizaphod likes this.

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    lucid , non-lucid
