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    Comp Day 2

    by , 03-04-2023 at 12:03 AM (136 Views)
    Missed out on 1st day cause I'm goofy but I recalled 2 dreams tonight

    Dream 1: It was the exact same scene as a few nights ago in the movie theater. Instead of watching a horror movie though, We watched puss in boots 3. "The last wishes". However it was.. Weird. There were no characters. Stuff just happened in the background with no context. Then I woke up. But this wasn’t the end for Puss in Boots 3.

    Dream 2: I was alone in the theater. Going to watch Puss in Boots 3. I asked the man for a large extra buttered popcorn and sat down to watch the movie.

    Started out with the cast from PIB 2 to be in the Bar from Shrek 2. They have different drinks so Puss offers Kitty (who’s in the form of a snake) a sip and she drinks it all at once. Puss gets angry at her and walks away. In the theater, some kid joins. He’s an asshole that commented through the whole movie. Thankfully though he gets pulled into the screen and they threw his ass in an ocean halfway through the movie. Kitty had a dramatic death scene. There was action, it was great. The ending was badass with the cast of characters in an all out war to bring back Kitty using another magic object and I finished the movie fully satisfied. Then the theater asked me to do a quiz on the movie which I did (Which helped with this recall) and woke up.

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    non-lucid , memorable
