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    Comp Night 7!

    by , 03-08-2023 at 05:21 PM (322 Views)
    Really good things happened, I just wish I could've handled them better.

    Following the WBTB was an amazing PR lucid, followed by a slightly depressing part that fell off. I was in an aiport with Ankha. She got me lucid, and was live action like before. We were really enthusiastic about our destination. Yet I firmly stated that the cult kept me from making guarantees. Near the end there was something that seriously upset her. Our flight was cancelled, I think and a person resembling Snape from Harry Potter was scolding us. Then, I had a nasty false awakening. I had great recall. Celebrating this intriguing lucid. I explained it to OmniLucid to many people and they praised me for it. I found a way to record that part of the lucid and shared it with them. Ankha’s mouth wasn’t open enough ever to see inside. The only. ONLY reason this ISNT a 10/10 is really sad recall for the actual lucid itself
    Saizaphod and theshirecat like this.

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    lucid , false awakening


    1. theshirecat's Avatar
      Apparently Snape is making the rounds... he was in my dream from Monday night
      Saizaphod and JustPhillip like this.
    2. Saizaphod's Avatar
      Congratz man! How long was the lucid?