Winter Competition, First Dream.
, 12-09-2022 at 06:02 PM (140 Views)
It was interesting. There was this sort-of "never ending yu-gi-oh match" taking place around the whole world, and I didn't play as myself, but could switch between the lives of these 3 children. One of them had a deck with nothing but Monster Cards, and he was just referred to the "Child of Strength". Another kid, had nothing but Trap Cards in his deck and people referred to him as the Child of Sin, then the other one was obviously spell cards, and he was the Child of Support. I would do daily life stuff, switching between these 3 kids.
Some time passes and the Support Kid (I'm the Strength kid at the time) wanders off into a rocky cliff that I can't see the bottom of. I switch to the Sin kid and get there as well, and I can see some entity that's sitting down on a table with a Yu-Gi-Oh match going on. I hadn't even played the game for a while, so instead, I switch to the Strength guy and Jump off the Cliff. That ended the dream.
It's a start. :)
Scoring Edit: Scoring it for 1 point for now, cause while it was the full dream I recalled, I didn't really do any of the competition stuff.